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Historical Reiki findings via James Deacons website - Serenity Attunement

Historical Reiki findings via James Deacons website

This section contains some of my most favorite historical teachings of Japanese Reiki techniques.  Please read through and incorporate aspects that speak to you.  I highly encourage you to check out James Deacons website for volumes of more information.  Thank you for taking time to explore my pages.  Bringing Reiki to Athens, GA…

However, lest we forget that Reiki is not simply a Japanese form of Qi Gung,
it might be advisable to recall the words of Hekikuu Reiki’s Kenji Hamamoto:

Usui Sensei’s Original Hand Positions

As documented by James Deacon 2006

It has been reported the in the original Usui system of Reiki only 5 hand positions were used. These focused on the head and the neck. A Reiki session would involve first working on these five positions then treat specific areas of the body where necessary.

Treatment can be given with hands in direct contact or by holding them a few inches from the client.

Originally both the giver and receiver would sit in a seiza position but since that is not a common practice, it is typical to sit the client in a chair while the giver stands. It is important for the client to sit with feet flat on the ground and back supported and hands on their lap.

To start the practitioner stand in front of the client in gassho-hands palms together in front of the throat chakra or in front of the heart chakra- and then bow from the hips keeping the back straight. This is gasshorei , to acknowledge the oneness of us all. This gesture also is used to show reverence to teachers, Patriarchs, Bodhisattvas, and Buddhas.

Next the practitioner stands behind the client. Then establish energetic connection- hands on shoulders, on forehead, draw symbols that you choose in the mind’s eye or physically. Silently intone the mantras. Once flow begins, spend 3-5 minutes in each positions and then scan for Bunosen (disruption in energy field) for additional treatments.


  1. zento bu: In one motion, reach around in front of the client placing both hands over the forehead, at the level of the hairline, with finger tips almost touching. Stay as long as needed.

  2. sokuto bu: Smoothly pull hands around to the side over the clients temples.

  3. koutou bu: In one motion step to the left of the client and raise left hand over forehead and then lower the right hand to the occipital ridge (where the neck and skull meet).

  4. enzui bu: Step back behind client placing your hands on either side of the neck just slightly below and behind the ears.

  5. toucho bu: Slide hands up over the top of the crown chakra-thumbs almost touching and index fingers almost touching.

Copyright © 2003 James Deacon

Byosen Reikan Ho is a technique somewhat similar to the scanning practices taught in some ‘western’ lineage Reiki styles.

Byosen is concerned with the ‘energetic sensation’ perceived at areas of dis-harmony or dis-ease.

Whenever there is a dis-ease, dis-harmony or dis-order in a person’s energetic makeup (whether or not the individual is aware of it) there will always be an accompanying ‘energetic sensation’, referred to as hibiki (‘resonance’) – providing one is aware of what to look for – and providing one has developed the necessary sensitivity skills to perceive it.

Thus, it is theoretically possible to identify and treat such imbalances before the physical symptoms of the dis-order even have a chance to manifest.

And at the other end of the spectrum, it is possible to determine whether or not the patient is really ‘cured’, as, even when the outward symptoms of a dis-order have been alleviated, the continued presence of hibiki would indicate the likelihood of the dis-order reoccurring in the future.

In an ideal world – it is said that a seasoned practitioner can infer from the hibiki the cause, current status, and amount of treatment required to heal the dis-ease.)

But Byosen is not a diagnostic technique per se, rather is a method of locating and treating the source of illness.

The precise nature of the sensations experienced varies from one person to another and is also dependent on the nature of the manifesting dis-harmony or dis-ease.

Amongst possible sensations picked up by the practitioner may be: pulsing, heat, coolness, ‘flatness’, numbness, pain, ‘prickliness’, tingling, ‘pulling’, etc.

To complicate matters somewhat hibiki sensations, while commonly experienced at the topical site of the person’s dis-ease, may actually be experienced in a different area of the body entirely.

For example, a dis-harmony in the stomach may produce hibiki in the forehead, respiratory problems might be indicated by hibiki on the backs of the hands, etc.

For this reason, in order to use Byosen effectively, many people suggest that the practitioner have at least a basic grounding in some form of ‘meridian’-based diagnostic-treatment theory as expounded by various practices of TJM/TCM (Traditional Japanese / Chinese Medicine).

Formal Byosen Ho begins with the practitioner performing gassho and praying /intending that the Reiki phenomenon will flow freely through them for the healing and wellness of the client.

Then, beginning at the head and working down the body, the practitioner slowly starts to scan with their hands, searching out the energetic sensations indicative of areas in need of Reiki treatment.

Some hibiki and their common significance

[Note: the intensity of the stimulus perceived can often reflect the severity/depth of the problem]:

Attraction generally signifies a need for treatment at the area of pull

Repulsion indicates a probable long-standing blockage or inhibition of energy flow – something which may take a considerable amount of treatment to alleviate

Pain often indicates an excess or buildup of energy in the given area (due to a blockage, etc). Sharp pain is sometimes considered to be a sign that the ‘pressure’ in the given area is causing a negative effect elsewhere in the system

Tingling frequently signifies an area of inflammation

Heat sensations in the therapist’s hands are indicative of Reiki being ‘drawn’ by the client

Coldness signifies a deficit of energy in the area (or at least a suppression of energy) – due to blockage,etc

 Flux/Flow indicates a positive, balanced state – which will nonetheless still benefit from receiving treatment

GASSHO MEISO (Gassho Meditation)

& GASSHO KOKYU HO (Gassho Hand Breathing)

Copyright © 2003 James Deacon

The Japanese term gassho refers to a ritual gesture formed by placing the hands – palms together, in the prayer-position – in front of the mouth – the fingertips at a level just below the nose.

(Many people also perform gassho with hands positioned in front of the chest at a level just above the heart.)

Gassho implies recognition of the oneness of all beings. This gesture is also used to show reverence to Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Patriarchs & Teachers.

Gassho meiso is generally performed seated in seiza [However, for those less-supple students unaccustomed to ‘sitting on heels’ – who find the task of sitting in seiza uncomfortable (& therefore a distraction) – most practices can be undertaken in other, more comfortably familiar postures.]

Close your eyes, let your hands rest in your lap, and ‘hara-centre’ yourself: focus your awareness on your seika tanden – an area deep inside your body mid way between your navel and the top of your pubic bone.

For a few moments, simply ‘be’ – silently and restfully ‘watching the breath’: loosely focussing on the natural rhythms of your breathing. There is no interference with the natural process – no seeking to consciously breathe – merely to be aware that you are breathing effortlessly.

When you are ready, keeping your eyes closed, bring your hands together in gassho. Gently move the focus of your awareness from seika tanden to where the pads of the middle fingers touch.

Continue silently and restfully ‘watching the breath’.

Forget everything else.

There is nothing else.

Maintain this awareness for as long as you feel drawn to so do.

Gassho Kokyu-ho is generally performed seated in seiza [However, for those less-supple students unaccustomed to ‘sitting on heels’ – who find the task of sitting in seiza uncomfortable (& therefore a distraction) – most practices can be undertaken in other, more comfortably familiar postures.]

Close your eyes, let your hands rest in your lap, and ‘hara-centre’ yourself: focus your awareness on your seika tanden – an area deep inside your body mid way between your navel and the top of your pubic bone.

For a few moments, simply ‘be’ – silently and restfully ‘watching the breath’: loosely focussing on the natural rhythms of your breathing. There is no interference with the natural process – no seeking to consciously breathe – merely to be aware that you are breathing effortlessly.

When you feel ready, keeping your eyes closed, bring your hands together in gassho. Gently move the focus of your awareness from seika tanden to where the pads of the middle fingers touch.

With your body still breathing effortlessly – be aware that as you inhale, the crystal clear Reiki light is being likewise being ‘breathed’ in through your hands and pours straight into your seika tanden.

In the moment before your body begins to exhale, be aware of the light: feel it growing stronger and brighter in your seika tanden.

As your body exhales, be aware that the crystal clear Reiki light is being likewise being ‘breathed’ out from your seika tanden– and on out through your hands.

Stay with this process for as long as you feel drawn to so do.

Takata Hand positions

Some time ago I was ‘gifted’ a well-worn and quite heavily discoloured mimeographed copy of a three-page handout said to have been provided by Takata-sensei during one of her ‘Introductory Level’ courses in the mid Seventies. (This particular handout is somewhat different from the one received by Alice Picking)

However, as the person I received the handout from had in turn received it from a third party, I had no way of knowing for sure if this handout was indeed ‘the genuine article’  So, I simply filed it away with the many other snippets of interesting Reiki-related history I have been fortunate enough to acquire over the years; and, well – as they say:  “Out of sight, out of mind”…
Just recently, another copy of the same handout surfaced in a collection containing other Reiki-related materials including handwritten material from Takata-sensei herself. 

A fact which, I feel, greatly increases the likelihood of my own mimeographed copy of the handout being something actually provided by Takata-sensei rather than something created by one of her students.

And so, I believe I can now confidently present it here as indeed being a  genuine Takata ‘Reiki Treatment Guide’

In the handout there is frequent reference to a series of hand positions identified simply as numbers (#) 1, 2, 3, and 4.

These numbers identify the four primary front-of-body treatment positions which form part of what Takata-sensei referred to as the ‘Foundation Treatment”:

Hand positions #1, 2, 3, 4.

(These four positions can be said to link the art of Reiki back to the very core of traditional Japanese ‘hara‘-based therapy practice. But more on that in another article)



The Handout:

(Re-typed, with minor typo’s corrected)



Always treat basic #1, 2, 3, 4, and kidneys.


Hair – Falling hair – Treat #1, 2, 3, 4, Kidney long time then head.

Headache – Treat eyes, side and back of head, ear, gall bladder and liver.

Migraine – Women – Treat #1, 2, 3, 4, and 4 (Ovaries) longer. Also check sinus, All of head. No ovaries, treat gall bladder, Thyroid.

Migraine – Man – Treat #1, 2, 3, 4, then prostate. Also check sinus, Treat all of head. No prostate, treat gall bladder, Thyroid.


Cataract – Glaucoma Etc. Treat #1, 2, 3, 4, Kidney, Eyes ½ hour.

Almost blind – Treat #1, (Pancreas) long time, then #2, 3, 4, treat eyes for ½ hour

Squint or Cross Eye – Exercise – Look to left top corner till eyes get tired, then straight ahead and close eyes. Next right top, lower left, lower right. Do that five times each. Treat eyes ½ hour.

Dizzy – Out of balance Put hand on both side of head, one inch above an one inch forward of ear. (Pituitary) Also for growth.


Anything – BuzzingRingingDraining. Treat chest (Upper) two side Blood pressure point, all of head. Treat ear ½ hour.

Upper – Apply fingers over eyes and at the same time on forehead. Also treat side of head by ear and back of head.

Lower – Apply hand on cheek, both side.

Bleeding – Pinch bridge of nose, tilt head slightly back, treat back of neck at base of skull.

Broken blood vessel – Put ice in towel and hold in back of neck. Same time treat bridge of nose.

Plugged nose – Treat nose and chest.

Hay Fever – Treat two side of chest, throat, nose and eyes. 


Tongue – Cold soreburn or anything in mouth. Treat sole of feet.

Lip – Blister, sore, dry lip, rash around mouth. Treat mouth and stomach (Acid)

Stutter – Treat #1, 2, 3, 4, throat, head,mouth and sole of feet.

Tooth Ache – Pain – Apply hand on affected area.

Tooth Extraction – Bleeding – Try treating gum. If it doesn’t stop, treat Pancreas. Person could be Diabetic.

Mumps – Woman – Treat #1, 2, 3, 4, and ovary. Treat neck to take away pain.

Man – Treat #1, 2, 3, 4, and testes. Treat neck to take away pain.

Thyroid – Lump – Treat #1, 2, 3, 4, Kidney, Thyroid, head and heart.

High Blood Pressure – Treat side of neck below ear ½ hour.

Low Blood Pressure – Treat same as above. Then treat down both legs.

Voice box – Treat voice box.


Pneumonia – treat #1, 2, 3, 4, Kidney, Heart area, Left chest. Treat back by right shoulder blade. Do not turn sick person.

Asthma – Treat #1, 2, 3, 4, Kidney, Heart area, Whole chest, side of ribs, all of back.

Breast – Tumor or lump – Treat #1, 2, 3, 4, Ovaries ½ hour and breast ½ hour.

Engorgement – Treat #1, 2, 3, 4, Thyroid, brain and breast ½ hour.

Heart – pain – Treat #1 long time then #2, 3, 4, then heart. Never at heart first. Could be gas trapped in chest cavity.

Stomach – Ulcer – Treat stomach. Cabbage juice for pain.

Gall Bladder – Treat gall bladder area (Right side below ribs) then treat right shoulder blade area.

Pancreas – Diabetic – Treat #1, 2, (Left side below ribs) then #3, 4.
Drink – String beans, watercress, cabbage, little water. Blender and drink.

Hernia – Pain – Treat #1, 2, 3, and #4 longer.

Uterus – Womb Cramp – Treat #1, 2, 3, and #4 longer. Five days before and five days during period.

Pregnant – Morning Sickness Treat #1 ( Stomach)

Epilepsy – Treat #1 long time then #2, 3, 4, Chest, all of head and back.

Hiccup – To treat make person lay down and put arms straight above head and treat #1 till hiccup goes away.

Bed Wetting – Urinate – treat #1, 2, 3, and #4 longer. (Bladder) Treat Kidney.
Exercise Urinate – Urinate, stop, hold a while, Urinate, a little. Repeat 3 times then let it all out.

Leukemia – Treat #1, 2, 3, 4, Go back liver area (Below right ribs) and treat spleen.

Arthritis – Gout – Treat #1, 2, 3, 4, Kidney ½  [hour]* or more. Then site last.

Water Knee – Treat #1, 2, 3, 4, Kidneys then knees.

Sweat – Hand – Treat #1, 2, 3, 4, and kidneys good.


Back ache – Treat #1, 2, 3, 4, Long time. Then treat back and Kidneys.

Nervous Break Down – Treat whole body, Head. Then left shoulder blade area. All of back down to Kidneys.

Kidneys – Urinate often – Treat #1, 2, 3, 4, and bladder longer. Treat Kidneys ½ hour.

Prostate – Treat #1, 2, 3, 4, and apply hand over tail bone area.

Hemorrhoid – Man or Woman – Treat #1, 2, 3, 4, Then put fingers on rectum ½ hour or more.

Whip Lash – Treat #1, 2. 3, 4, Neck and complete head. Back. Treat adrenal for shock.

Broken Neck – Treat whole body and head.

Burns – Regular – Apply hand on burn.

Skin Peeling – Keep hand ½ inches or more above burn.

Bite Insect – Apply hand on bite for 15 to 20 minutes.

Skin Disease – Treat stomach, Kidneys and effected area.

Breath – Bad Breath – Treat stomach.

Mole – Treat mole with finger.

Wart – Treat wart with finger.

Shock – Treat adrenal gland right above kidneys ½ hour or more.

Stroke – Do not treat before 21 days to a month. After that treat whole body. Limbs and joint on affected side.

Lock Jaw – Treat #1, 2, 3, 4, till person can release gas. When jaw opens treat jaw to take away pain.


The word ‘hour’ does not appear in the original handout at this point. Though based on time-periods suggested in the treatment of several of the other conditions, it seems to fit. 


Just as Usui Sensei is said to have given his students a basic handbook / guide to treating various medical conditions, so too did Hayashi Sensei.

The Hayashi Treatment Guide or Hayashi Ryoho Shishin is divided into 9 sections or ‘chapters’ and – just like the Usui Treatment Guide – is simply that: a guide – a brief series of prompts as to suitable areas for topical treatment.

[Takata-sensei had a copy of the Hayashi Ryoho Shishin – though few seem to be aware of this fact: see here]

There are several translations of the Hayashi Treatment Guide, however, as (- like the Usui Treatment Guide -) it is essentially just a wordlist, there is little variation between one translation and another.

The Hayashi Reiki Treatment Guide
English Version, Copyright © 2003 James Deacon
Translation (especially for by Jiro Kozuki

Section 1: The Head

Brain disorders, Headache – treat: forehead, temples, back and top of the head, back of the neck

Head treatment can be used whatever the condition being treated. For headaches, give specific attention to the actual epicenter of pain

Eyes (All manner of eye disorders, conjunctivitis, trachoma, leucoma, nearsightedness, trichiasis, ptosis, cataract, glaucoma, etc.) – treat: eye balls, inner corners of eyes, outer corners of eyes, back of the head, kidneys, liver, womb, ovaries

Treat both eyes, even though the problem is in only one eye.

Ears (All maner of ear disorders, tympanitis, external otitis, ringing in the ear, poor hearing, etc.) – treat: auditory canal, depression below the ears, raised bone behind ears, back of the head

Treat both ears, even though the problem is in only one ear. Where the disorder follow a cold, eg: tympanitis and parotitis, treat the bronchi, hilar lymph, kidneys, womb, and ovaries

Teeth – for toothache, treat externally at the root of the tooth

Oral Cavity – with mouth closed, treat the lips with the palms

see also disorders of Digestive Organs


Tongue – depress or pinch the affected part of the tongue. Treat externally at the root of the tongue

Alternatively, treat by pressing the arches of both feet forward

Section 2: Disorders of Digestive Organs

Stomatitis/Stomach cancer – mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver

Thrush/yeast infection – mouth, tongue, esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver, heart, kidneys

Saliva (either deficit or excess) – mouth, root of the tongue, stomach, intestines, head

Disorders of the Oesophagus (stricture of the oesophagus, dilation of the oesophagus, oesophagitis, etc.) – oesophagus, solar plexus, stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, kidneys, applyKetsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Where there is cancer of the oesophagus, the prognosis is not very good

Stomach disorders (acute and chronic gastritis, gastric atony, gastric dilation, gastric ulcer, stomach cancer, gastroptosis, neurologic stomach ache, neurologic dyspepsia, gastrospasm, etc.) – stomach, liver, pancreas, intestines, kidneys, spinal cord, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Where cancer obvious, the prognosis is not very good

Intestine disorders (intestinal catarrh, constipation, appendicitis, vermiform process, ileus, invagination, intestinal volvulus, intestinal bleeding, diarrhea, etc) – stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, kidneys, heart, lumbar vertebrae, sacrum, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Liver disorders (liver congestion, hyperemia, abscess, sclerosis, hypertrophy, atrophy, jaundice, gallstone, etc.) – liver, pancreas, stomach, intestines, heart, kidneys, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Within a few days of treatment, gallstones will break down by themselves pass out of the body. Where there is cancer of the liver, the prognosis is not very good

Pancreas disorders (liver cyst, ptosis, hypertrophy, etc.) – pancreas, liver, stomach, intestines, heart, kidneys, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Where there is cancer of the pancreas, the prognosis is not very good

Peritoneum disorders – liver, pancreas, stomach, intestines, peritoneum area, bladder, heart, kidneys, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

For tuberculous conditions, treat the lung area

Anal disorders (hemorrhoid,, anal inflammation, open sores, in area of anus, bleeding piles, anal fistula, anal prolapse, etc.) – the affected area, coccx, stomach, intestines

Treat anal fistula, in the same way as intestinal/pulmonary tuberculosis

Section 3: Respiratory Disorders

Nasal disorders (acute and chronic nasal catarrh, hypertrophic and atrophic nasal catarrh, etc) – nose, throat, bronchi

Maxillary Emphysema/Pleurisy – nose, depression on upper forehead, chest, throat, kidneys, stomach, intestines, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Nosebleed (Epistaxis) – nasal bones, back of the head

If nosebleeds occur when menstruation is overdue, treat the womb and ovaries

Sore Throat (Pharyngitis) and Tonsillitis – throat, tonsils, bronchi, kidneys, lungs, stomach, intestines, head.

Tracheitis and Bronchitis – trachea, bronchi, lungs, stomach, intestines, heart, kidneys, head

Pneumonia, Catarrhal Croup – lungs, bronchi, heart, liver, pancreas, stomach, intestines, kidneys, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Asthma – bronchi, lungs, liver, pancreas, diaphragm, stomach, intestines, kidneys, head, nose, heart

For acute asthma attacks, treat patient in seated position

Lung disorders (pulmonary edema, abscess, pulmonary tuberculosis, emphysema, etc) – lung area, heart, liver, pancreas, stomach, intestines, bladder, kidneys, spinal cord, head, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique] unless patient is very sick or weak

Always treat the womb and ovaries, whatever the age of the female patient.

Pleura disorders (both dry and moist) – general chest area, heart, liver, pancreas, stomach, intestines, kidneys, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Section 4: Cardiovascular Disorders


Heart disorders (endocarditis, heart valve disorders, various pericardial symptoms, various heart symptoms, palpitation, angina pectoris, etc.) – heart, liver, stomach, intestines, pancreas, kidneys, spinal cord, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Arteriosclerosis, Cardiac Asthma, Aneurysm, etc. – treat as you would heart problems, with addition of bronchi and general chest area

Section 5: Urinary Organ Disorders

Kidney disorders (kidney congestion, anemia, atrophy, sclerosis, hypertrophy, abscess, pyelitis, kidney stones, uremia, filariasis, etc) – kidneys, liver, pancreas, heart, stomach, intestines, bladder, head, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Cystitis (urinary retention, uremia, pain when urinating, urgent need to urinate, etc) – kidneys, bladder, urethra, prostate gland, womb, liver, pancreas, heart, stomach, intestines, head, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Bedwetting – bladder, intestines, stomach, kidneys,spinal cord, head, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Section 6: Neurological Disorders

Cerebral Anemia/Hyperemia – head, heart

Hysteria – womb, ovaries, stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys, head, eyes, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Nervous Breakdown, Insomnia – . stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, kidneys, eyes, head, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique] very gently

Meningitis – head, primarily back of head and neck

Treat areas such as nose, forehead, and inflammation of the head, primarily in order to heal the cause of the disorder, but also in order to effect reflex-healing in remote organs, such as gastritis and erysipelas-based pneumonia. Also treat as for Lung disorders.

Epidemic Cerebrospinal Meningitis – primarily treat spinal cord, back of the head and neck. Also cover: heart, stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys, bladder

Myelitis – spinal cord generally, stomach, intestines, liver, bladder, kidneys, head, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Cerebral Hemorrhage (intracerebral bleeding, cerebral thrombosis, etc.) – head, heart, kidneys, stomach, intestines, liver, spinal cord, area of paralysis

Polio – spinal cord, stomach, intestines, kidneys, sacrum, area of paralysis, head, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Neuralgia (Palsy, Neural spasticity, Migraine,etc.) – affected area, liver, pancreas, stomach, intestines, kidneys, head, spinal cord, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Also focus on the womb and ovaries

Beriberi – stomach, intestines, heart, liver, pancreas, kidneys, edematous or paralyzed area, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Graves’ Disease – womb, ovaries, stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, heart, thyroid, eyes, kidneys, spinal cord, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Epilepsy – liver, pancreas, head, stomach, intestines, kidneys, spinal cord, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Convulsion – liver, stomach, intestines, kidneys, spinal cord, shoulders, arms, area around elbow, wrist, head

Huntington’s Disease/Chorea – liver, stomach, intestines, kidneys, spinal cord, spastic area of arms and legs, head,. apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Sea/Motion Sickness – stomach, solar plexus, head

Food or other Poisoning, Chemical Dependancy – stomach, solar plexus, liver, pancreas, intestines, heart, kidneys, head, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique] 


Section 7: Infectious Disorders

(Para)typhoid – liver, pancreas/spleen, stomach, intestines, heart, kidneys, spinal cord, head

Dysentery, Cholera – stomach,. intestines, liver, pancreas, kidneys, heart, head, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Measles – throat, trachea, bronchi, stomach, intestines, heart, kidneys, spinal cord, head

Scarlet Fever – throat, chest, kidneys, stomach, intestines, bladder, head, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Shingles, Varicella (Chicken Pox) – stomach, intestines, kidneys, affected area, head, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Influenza – nose, throat, trachea, bronchi, lungs, liver, pancreas, stomach, intestines, kidneys, head, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Pertussis, Whooping Cough – nose, throat, bronchi, apex of the lungs, stomach, intestines, kidneys, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Diphtheria – throat, trachea, nose, lungs, heart, liver, stomach, intestines, kidneys, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Weil’s(?) Disease [acute leptospiral infection] – liver, pancreas, spleen, stomach, intestines, bladder, kidneys, spinal cord, head,. apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Malaria – pancreas (spleen), liver, heart, stomach, intestines, kidneys, spinal cord apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Tetanus – jawbone, back of head, throat, lungs, affected area, stomach, intestines, kidneys, spinal cord

for puerperal tetanus, treat the womb. Where the woman is carrying her first child, treat the navel also

Articular Rheumatism, Muscular Rheumatism – affected area, heart, chest, liver, pancreas, stomach, intestines, kidneys, spinal cord, head

Rabies – affected area, heart, liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines, spinal cord, throat, head, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Section 8: Whole Body Disorders

Anemia, Leukemia, Scurvy – heart, liver, pancreas, stomach, intestines, kidneys, spinal cord, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Diabetes – liver, pancreas, heart, stomach, intestines, bladder, kidneys, head, spinal cord, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Dermatological disorders – stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys, affected area, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Obesity – liver, pancreas, heart, stomach, intestines, bladder, kidneys, head, spinal cord, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Goitre, Scrofula – affected area, stomach, intestines, liver, heart, chest, kidneys, spinal cord, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Section 9: Other Disorders

Infantile Convulsion – heart, head, stomach, intestines

Congenital Syphillis in Children – affected area, head, intestines

Improperly positioned foetus – womb

Pregnancy – ongoing treatment of the womb will ensure healthy foetus growth

Delivery – sacrum, lumbar region of spine

Treating these areas will result in an easy birth after twelve labour pains. To ensure easy afterbirth, continue to treat these areas once the baby has emerged.

Death of Foetus – treating the womb will result in the natural evacuation of the dead foetus no later than the following day

Cessation of Lactation – breast area, especially mammary gland. The mother will soon start lactating

Morning Sickness – womb, stomach, solar plexus, intestines, kidneys, head, spinal cord

Streptococcal Infection/Erysipelas – affected area, stomach, intestines, liver, heart, kidneys, spinal cord, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Hyperhidrosis – kidneys, affected area, apply Ketsueki Kokan [blood-cleansing technique]

Burns – hold one hand an inch or two above the affected area, eventually placing the hand on the burn site as the pain is alleviated

Cuts – treat while pressure is applied to the cut with a thumb or a palm to stem bleeding.

Unconsciousness (due to by falling, an electric shock. etc.) – apply katsu (a pressure-point technique), treat: heart, head

Drowning – assist the patient to disgorge water from the lungs, apply katsu, treat: heart, head

Menopause, Period Pains – womb, ovaries, cranium

Hiccup – diaphragm, liver, pancreas, kidneys, stomach, intestines, spinal cord, head

Stuttering – throat, head, singing practice

Practice singing:
Mukou no koike ni dojo ga sanbiki nyoro nyoro to. (Thee loaches are wiggling in the pond over there.)
Oya ga kahyo nara ko ga kahyo. ko kahyo ni mago kahyo. (The father is Kahyo, his child is Kahyo. Son, Kahyo and grandson, Kahyo.)

If the patient can sing these songs, he can be healed

Pain in the fingertips – affected area

Vomiting – stomach, solar plexus, liver, spinal cord at the level of the stomach, head, kidneys

Splinter – affected area

As the pain desists, the splinter should rise of its own accord and should be withdrawn at this time

Gonorrhoea – urethra, perineum, bladder, womb

where there is chronic testicular inflammation, apply your hand lightly to the testicles

Painful Spasms, Stomach Cramps – stomach, on back at the level of the stomach, liver, kidneys, intestines, head

Hernia – affected area, stomach and intestines. hernia should contract automatically when touched lightly.


Ketsueki kokan ho, hanshin koketsu ho & zenshin koketsu ho are the so-called ‘blood-exchange’ techniques
– or, more properly blood CLEANSING techniques.

There are several versions of these cleansing techniques taught in various different ‘schools’ of Reiki.
( Some only teach teach hanshin koketsu ho & zenshin koketsu ho.

(The Reiki ‘Blood Exchange’)
Copyright © 2004 James Deacon

The “Blood Exchange” technique – ketsueki kokan-ho – is more properly a blood CLEANSING technique.

A version used in ‘western’ style Reiki is often called the ‘Finishing’ or ‘Smoothing’ technique or ‘Nerve Stroke

One version of ketsueki kokan-ho is as follows:

The client should be lying on their front.

Stand to one side of the client

Which side you choose depends on which is your dominant hand (not necessarily the hand you write with, etc. but the hand you consider to be dominant – Reiki-wise)

You should stand so that your NON-dominant hand is nearest to the client’s head.

Place your non-dominant hand flat across the occipital ridge (base of the skull) and place your dominant hand beside it, flat across the top of the client’s spine (so that the spine is actually covered by your palm).

With firm intent – smoothly – and at a steady, even pace, stroke down the length of the spine to the tailbone.

DO NOT apply any pressure to the spine (you may in fact carry out this ‘sweep’ without any actual physical contact – your hand some millimetres above the surface of the client’s body/clothing*.

When you reach the tailbone, lift your hand away from the client and return it to the starting position at the top of the spine. DO Not sweep back up the spine, rather arc away from it.

Repeat the ‘sweep’ another 14 times. On completion of the last sweep, rest your hand on the tailbone for about 15 -30 seconds and let reiki flow – bringing the spinal energies into balance.

This completes the process.

(Full Body Blood Cleansing)

One version of zenshin koketsu ho is as follows:

[First treat the client’s head and front, using the formal hand positions]

The client should ideally be lying on their front (though the technique can be applied with the client lying on their back).

You will be working on each side of the client in turn. Which side you choose to work on first is up to you.

Place your non-dominant hand flat on the client’s shoulder.

With firm intent – smoothly – and at a steady, even pace, stroke along the shoulder and down the length of the arm to the tips of the fingers

DO NOT apply any pressure to the shoulder or arm (you may in fact carry out this ‘sweep’ without any actual physical contact – your hand some millimetres above the surface of the client’s body/clothing*)

When you reach the fingertips, lift your hand away from the client and return it to the starting position at the top of the shoulder. DO Not sweep back up the arm, rather, arc away from it.

Repeat the ‘sweep’ another 14 times.

Moving to the other side of the client, repeat the process on their other shoulder and arm.

Next, move to a position close to the clients thigh, and placing your non-dominant hand on the outside of the client’s hip, perform a stroke down the outside of their leg and along their foot to the tips of the toes. As with the arms, be mindful not to apply any pressure.

Repeat the ‘sweep’ another 14 times.

Moving to the other side of the client, repeat the process on their other hip and leg.

(Half Body Blood Cleansing)

One version of hanshin koketsu ho is as follows:

[The client should be either lying on their front, or seated.]

Place your hands at the base of the client’s neck – one hand on either side of the spine.

Each hand strokes outwards and down, tracing the line of the client’s shoulders.*

Returning your hands to a position either side of the spine, though a few centimetres lower than previously, repeat this stroking gesture – hands moving outwards in a slight arc to the clients sides.

In this manner, gradually work your way down the client’s back, a few centimetres at a time, stroking outwards from their spine to their sides.

It should ideally take between 10 and 15 sweeps to reach the area of the coccyx.

Next, placing your index and middle fingers (some suggest thumb and index, yet others, only the middle finger) of each hand on either side of the spine at the base of the client’s neck, hold your breath and sweep steadily downwards to the clients coccyx.

DO NOT apply any pressure to the spine (the ‘sweep’ may be carried out without any actual physical contact*)

Exhale and pause for a moment before repeating the sweep.

This should be done a total of between 10 and15 times.

[As an alternative to this ‘spinal sweep’ using the fingers, you may carry out the procedure detailed under the heading ketsueki kokan-ho, above.]


* It is perhaps important to be mindful that in many places there are laws in place governing the practice of Massage – and in these places, the application of pressure or physical-contact ‘sweeps’ when using techniques such as ketsueiki kokan, hanshin koketsu ho and.zenshin koketsu ho may well be construed as “manipulative”.

[Some teach Ketsueki Kokan ho,.Hanshin Koketsu ho and.Zenshin Koketsu ho at Shinpiden rather than at Okuden]


‘The Nerve Stroke’

Takata-sensei’s version of the process, in her own words:

I finish the treatment with a nerve stroke which adjusts the circulation.
Apply on the skin a few drops of sesame oil or any pure vegetable oil.
I place my thumb and fore finger on the left side of the spinal column and the three fingers and palm flat on the right side of the spinal column.
With a downward stroke, 10 to 15 strokes to the end of spinal cord.
Only in diabetic cases are the strokes reversed; arms and legs are manipulated towards the heart.