Reiki energy is different from other forms of energy work. This method involves connecting you to life energy (ki) from the heavens (rei) which is divinely guided so that it can do no harm. It is a more gentle form of energy work that helps the physical body and emotional body soften and release. Reiki does not need to be directed for healing, this energy is divinely guided.
On an emotional level, Reiki helps a person release what they have been holding so they can open to laughter, life, and wonderment again. This facilitates healing by moving out carbon monoxide and lactic acid from the physical body creating a deep sleep healing state. For optimal health, ideally everyone would have a Reiki session once a week. By learning Reiki yourself, you will be able to work on yourself daily. The classes offer such a deep healing to each student.
My classes involve two different types of Holy Fire World Peace® Reiki, beginning with Usui Reiki and advancing with Karuna® Reiki. All the classes are based on the upgraded multidimensional Holy Fire World Peace healing energies for a more thorough clearing of soul level karma. This allows for healing on many layers of the aura each session for faster recovery from illness or injury.
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My schedule through 2024 is:
Usui/Holy Fire ®Reiki Level I & II March 1, 2, & 3- Combining level I & II in an intensive is ideal for someone with prior energy-work experience or who will have time to process and integrate for a few days afterwards. Many of my students take level I a month in advance of level II.
Usui /Holy Fire World Peace ® Reiki Level III/Master May 5, 6. 7th
Holy Fire World Peace Karuna ® Reiki Dec 6, 7, 8th (for Reiki Masters only)

Holy Fire World Peace® Usui Reiki
There are three levels to Reiki. Level I, II, & III/Master. I teach Holy Fire World Peace Reiki with traditional Usui Reiki foundation which is an excellent foundation for a healthy practice and loving way of being. By learning how to work on yourself first and have healthy practices, you will be able to harness this healing energy for soft tissue injury healing, releasing daily stress, improving digestion, and better sleep for yourself and others. Each level increases the flow of the Reiki Energy, read more below. Usui Reiki flows like water from a hose. The goal is to expand the flow rate over time so that the flow moves more like a fire hose than a garden hose. Practice each day improves the flow as well. Plants, animals, computers, all benefit from improving their function with Reiki. Start with level I and go play! Book now.
Holy Fire III® Karuna Reiki
Holy Fire World Peace® Karuna Reiki provides 8 new symbols to elevate the frequency of the healing energy work in two different levels. Karuna Reiki moves like a slow foaming energy on a deep cellular level and is the arch angels healing energy. Pre-req is completing Master Level Of Holy Fire World Peace® Usui Reiki at least 6 months before learning while also having at practiced on clients in a professional setting.
The first four symbols provide the healing anesthetic, laser focus, healing relationships, & grounding energies. These are helpful because this level repair subconsciously may meet resistance. The last four symbols offer more tools with Earth healing, peace, reclaiming power, and connecting to higher self/wisdom. You will receive eight new symbols to access ArchAngel healing in this level. Book Now.
In my classes I focus on a foundation in energy grounding and flow throughout the energetic core. This helps to protect the practitioner and maintain healthy energy boundaries. Each class has an opportunity to attend one practice post class as well as various Reiki groups for continued experience and learning. I am passionate about each participant having continued support for growth. Reiki Practice is a journey and I am happy to be your guide. Book now.

Holy Fire World Peace® Usui Reiki Level I includes ICRT book $168
With the Reiki level I class, you can expect to leave with a good sense of Reiki Energy, the origins of the Usui Reiki energy, and how to use the Reiki energy for healing. We will discuss many different methods for meditations using the Reiki energy to deepen your self-awareness and techniques for self-healing and release. This healing modality is opening the door to discovering the Divine compassion within.
In this level course you will walk away with:
Knowledge of each chakra, a history of Usui Reiki, connected to the flow of Holy Fire World Peace Reiki, understanding how to give self-reiki treatment, manual for further exploration of reiki energy, practice with traditional seated Reiki treatments for others, as well as homework for self-exploration of reiki flow and release.
Once the class has finished, I continue the practice work afterwards and facilitate Reiki discussions and practice groups for a small fee as we explore the universal divine energy in our own lives. These practice sessions are important for sharing our own experience with Reiki and expanding our use of this divine energy for compassionate action to heal ourselves and others. I ask for a $22 offering for overhead and time.
Reiki Level I is typically at 10am. Please allow 6-8 hours. You will leave being able to access the healing Reiki energy for yourself and others, from pets, to plants, to family and friends. You should have a good understanding of the origins of Reiki, different techniques, and experience receiving Reiki from others once we have finished.
Bring water to drink, light lunch, a yoga mat & eye covering if you have one, a notebook and a protein-rich snack. Cost is $168 which includes the ICRT Reiki Manual. (Register by 14 days in advance with $68 deposit) Book Now.

Holy Fire World Peace® Usui Reiki Level II $222
Reiki Level II is 2 days starting at 10am. Please allow 12 total hours. Cost is $222 and level I is pre-req. At level II you learn about reiki symbols, how to use them, and are attuned to their energy. There is the distance symbol, emotional symbol and power symbol. If time permits, we will not only draw each symbol, but also journey to each symbol for seeing the multi-dimensional story behind each symbol. This class provides an upgrade in the power of the energy flow. The Holy Fire World Peace Energy offers deep healing where you need it most. I include my additional research and reiki meditations for practice. If you don’t have the manual yet, it is $24 to purchase.
Everyone will be partnered up with another student to practice distance sessions. We will learn and practice different techniques for a full session as well as for acute injuries such as burns and sprains. Best practices and the Reiki ideals will be reviewed to establish a good routine. Come ready to practice. Book Now.
Make time once a month to join for the monthly practice sessions to share your experiences and learn from others. I offer one practice class for free per class attended. Once you have completed level II you may apprentice on a few private sessions.

If you feel called to practice Reiki and learn more about Chakras and the Energy Body, Reiki classes are a great way to start!
I learned Reiki in 2002 with a weekend intensive. It is more intense than learning Level I and then waiting a few weeks for the energy integration and practicing self-treatments before doing level II. There can be some rather deep healing as your body adjusts to the higher vibrations of energy and you may experience a purge of old wounds. I experienced an old illness of tonsillitis for two days after my weekend intensive but then all cleared away with soup, hot teas and rest. This also coincided with a much needed release of old limiting beliefs during that time.
Dedication to self-care is essential if you would like to sign up for the full weekend intensive. If you feel very passionately about diving in for a quantum vibrational shift, please do sign up for both days. If you are more interested in taking the traditional path, feel free to sign up for either day separately. There is no right or wrong way to open the channel for Reiki Healing energy. Book now.
Holy Fire III® Usui Reiki Level III/Master $888 Include ICRT book

Level III is a process of connecting you to your higher self with a placement of the Reiki Master Symbol (Master) and learning to tune in to the energy for additional techniques for healing yourself and others. I prefer to divide level III into separate classes spread over three days. After a few months of integration and practice you make choose to learn to become a teacher with me.
Master level is more than the Usui Master symbol and practice with this new energy. We learn techniques for aura clearing and energy block removal. We also learn guided healing meditations, attachment removal, and more. This level gives even more tools and I prefer to spend time working on the mastery of these skills. We dig into moving meditations and more.
I love to provide time to practice with each one and then leaning into giving attunements. Practicing the cosmic orbit meditation ahead of time is super important as your awareness grows each time. We start with Healing Attunements and move through moving meditations as well.
These classes are like opening the door into yourself. Many ways to learn and to heal yourself will be presented. Some aspects will resonate more for you than others, It is important to honor this and allow for you own path to unfold. Book now.
Holy Fire World Peace® Karuna Reiki $1088 Includes ICRT book
Holy Fire World Peace® Karuna Reiki is a newer, more powerful Reiki energy. Combined with the trauma healing aspect of Holy Fire, Karuna Reiki connects healing as the cellular level. The founders says it from the archangels frequency. We are literally channeling the loving energy to help us shed the heavy, low frequency states. The energy flows in a different way, instead of like water from a waterfall, it moves more like a foam and expands on a deeps level. I have felt it move energy blocks on all levels of a person’s being for long lasting relief from pain and stuckness. My clients say this energy feels more powerful and gets them into Alpha dreamstate very quickly in either the first or second session. I found soft tissue injuries healing in 1/4 the time needed with Usui Reiki alone.
This class is three full days to cover the 8 new symbols and develop a relationship with each. I ask that we make a meeting time a month later to practice and connect with each one again as the energy of each has a different frequency and healing purpose. We will also learn to teach others to the Karuna Reiki energy. Book Now.
We dig into brain entrainment a bit in this course as well. The frequencies below represent the difference between the frequency flowing from each hand which lead to brain entrainment. Example 1056 htz and 1060 htz create a wave of 4 htz leading to theta state. Read more about Sound Therapy Brain states here.
Frequency range | Name | Usually associated with: |
> 40 Hz | Gamma waves | Higher mental activity, including perception, problem solving, and consciousness |
13–39 Hz | Beta waves | Active, busy thinking, active processing , active concentration, arousal, and cognition |
7–13 Hz | Alpha waves | Calm relaxed yet alert state |
4–7 Hz | Theta waves | Deep meditation /relaxation, REM sleep |
< 4 Hz | Delta waves | Deep dreamless sleep, loss of body awareness |
Acupressure with Tuning Forks Class $125
In the course we will practice using an Otto Tuner (weighted tuning fork) at acupressure points for energy balance through the physical body for optimal Chi aka Prana or Ki. Please bring either a 128 htz, or 136.1 htz tuning fork for the class. I will provide the manual. We will spend time talking about contra-indications, things to consider, practices, and special points and routines. For class registration I will ask about health challenges you would like to learn to work on with this method for our
If there’s enough interest, we will gather and continue practice once a month-$20 offering suggested.
Recommended bonus reading:
Reiki For Life by Penelope Quest
Essential Reiki by Diane Steine (she includes so much subtle energy body info with Reiki practice!)
Secret Life of Plants Peter Thompkins
The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
The Ascended Masters Light the Way by Joshua David Stone
Sound Therapy Info
Healing Sounds by Jonathan Goldman
Biofield Tuning By Eileen McKusik
Potent Acupressure Points by Michael Reed Gach
Thank you for reading.
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