Links on Scientific Studies- Reiki and Sound

This section is a work in progress.  My goal here is to be able to fully explore how and why reiki and sound therapies work.  With this research, I have learned that reiki is a form of sound therapy as it is a particular frequency proven to be beneficial for promoting healing.  The more that I learn the more I see that we historically have understood that everything is vibration and healing with sound only makes sense.  Our language reflects this with sayings such as “she is high-strung,” “they have good vibes,” “we are in tune with each other,” “we are harmonious,” and various others.  Basically I have learned that everything at a particle level is vibration.  Using sound to reset our vibrations to a healthier low-strung, more relaxed state, gives us a range of movement and flexibility.  When tightly strung, a guitar string is more likely to snap and break when played.  The same for people.  Learning to soften and relax the body allows for emotional flexibility and adaptability for life.  The important part is taking time to silence the inner dialogue and listen to one’s internal rhythms.  When under times of great stress this is best done in guided sessions.

  • Here is a link to Dr. John Beaulieu’s website and research on the use of tuning forks and the release of NO-nitric oxide- and how it is beneficial at the cellular level.   This study provides the basis for how acupressure with the tuning fork works which is also known as acutuning.   In this article he explains how extended periods of stress adversely affect the immune system and can be linked to tumors and auto-immune disorders.
  • This abstract summarizes research about how NO is beneficial as a free-radical “scavenger” and also mentions that too much may also cause problems…which explains Dr. Beaulieu’s teaching to apply the tuning forks no more than twice. Please see his full PDF on his website for the full article. 



  • This article links over to a study titled “Extraordinay large bio-magnetic field strength from the human hand.”  It’s a review of measurements exploring the difference between Reiki practitioners and non-Reiki practitioners.  They even measured martial artists’ biomagnetic field.      


  • This link is on beneficial effects of 10 htz on nervous system and potentially treating depression.  I wonder why 4 htz (or cps) was not used? Hmm.  I haven’t been able to find the referenced study on the different frequencies yet either.  This study is from January of 2016.  The end result was that they found 50% reduction in the oxidative stress (5-HIAA used in blood serum in rats-this is a type of chemical in brain assumed to be a good marker that is low when less stress and high when under more stress) after the first 15 days  of daily treatments at 3 hours daily.  They found no change a 1 hour daily.  This is considered to be a good step forward in establishing ELF as potential therapeutic treatments for depression.            


  • This link connects to a study on the effects of Reiki on preventing metastasis and improving immune system responses in mouse breast cancer study.  It reveals that the cancer tumor size is not reduced with reiki treatments, but it shows significant evidence that the treated subjects do not have cancer metastasis and do have improve immune system functioning.


  • This links to most recent article on the measurement of the energy from Reiki, healing touch, Qi-Gong and other martial artists.  Pretty exciting that they have repeated measured with the SQUID instrument the fluctuations of the biomagnetic energy from the practitioner’s hand is between 0.3-30 cps but mostly 7 cps range!  Also world wide it has been accepted that there is definitely a measurable biofield since the SQUID magnetometer in the wold-wide medical community.  The USA needs to catch up.  


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