You know how angry some people can make you feel? They seem to know exactly how to push your buttons with laser focus and precision. They can hone right in on things that make you rage and fire up in just a few words? Typically the people will be your siblings, lover, spouse, children, or best friend. They know what can really get you boiling and how to pull your strings. Pause just a second. Think about that saying,…they are literally pulling your strings.
What is helpful to realize, is when you are fiery mad and very passionate, your blood pressure gets super high, your adrenaline pumps through your body, and your heart beats super fast getting you ready for a fight. If you don’t run and burn off that adrenaline, then your body is stuck trying to manage the effects of all this fuel being amped up to power you through the fight. Your subtle energy body is tucked up into your center, typically in the solar plexus chakra. That person is literally pulling your strings, pushing your buttons, and controlling you, and you are letting them.
How do I know this? Because I was raised by Mr. Road-Rage himself. Oh yes, I would drive around completely offended that someone hit their brakes, flipped me off, cut me off, or made a face at me. My father tail-gated terribly and was the most aggressive driver, and I hated it. I finally found my voice at 18 and told him to pull over and let me walk the 2 hours home because I did not want to die today. Then guess what? I did that same exact thing…
Everyone on the road had power over me. The day I was a passenger and made a face at someone who was all ragey over us pulling into the center lane at an intersection when she was in the blind spot and trying to pull into the same lane, was the day I realized I needed to heal. She pulled a gun on us and chased us all over. I realized then that I needed to never get angry at another driver, never react with anger, and certainly never make a face . I could have gotten my friends killed as this woman let her anger drive her into rage and chase us through Atlanta. We finally escaped by pulling onto I-20 and racing off.
This was a huge turning point for me. No matter how bad I thought I had it fighting with traffic, there was certainly others who were far more fed up and at the edge of sanity. And they had a car and possibly a gun. This also changed the way I looked at my life. I could breathe, and calm down, and not take things personally and no longer be part of the problem. Who knows what someone was going through-I needed to show kindness. Reiki taught me this every time I practiced.

Overtime I learned to apply filter that to work relationships, patients, and finally family. With Reiki practice, I began to understands how much I hurt myself by staying angry or even allowing myself to get there. It was a slow transformation to make it all the way back to family, but it has changed my life. I no longer take anyone’s behavior or mood personally. I finally have been able to hang out with my father and not take his anger personally and instead ask him how he is hurting. This has helped him to realized how he is standing hurts his back or his feet and to take better care of himself in the moment. It took me years to get there, but it changed everything about our relationship. The last key to untangle my power from my motional family ties was Biofield Tuning. It literally tuned up my energy so I no longer had these walls up, so that I was no longer holding.
In these pandemic times of fear and isolation, this has helped me tremendously to navigate the dicey waters of social media. I do not take anyone’s comments personally, most of the time. In the beginning of the pandemic, I worked hard on social media to try and open up discussion and engage in intelligent debate. But things over time devolved into simply angry people who are hurting and everyone else being wrong. It has been very upsetting. I am learning discernment. There’s times to simply move past the discourse and say nothing. These times are tough but the most unifying, universal truth is love. I return to Reiki to rebalance myself along with chanting. So powerful good.
We all need to touch-base and connect with friends and family and reaffirm that we love each other. It’s super important to not allow emotions, politics, anger to divide us. Instead, when you start to notice your are beginning to feel angry, pause and instead consider it is your souls way of saying it is time to play. Enough is enough. No more work. Time to go play.
If you are having trouble making time for play, likely you need a tune-up. Reiki with Sound Therapy and/or Biofield Tuning may be just what you need. Call or email me to set up your session today. 706-207-4253 or healingwithangels77@gmail.com