After studying world religions in college and then studying world health systems from an anthropological perspective, I decided to enter the medical field in my home town of Athens, Georgia and see what I could learn and do to help reform and improve medicine. My journey began with studying the Mayan Curanderos of Chiapas, Mexico to assisting a chiropractor and then assisting an eye surgeon. I have learned so much!

With the months I spent in Mexico learning about the Mayan people, I discovered the power of the indigenous healer continued in present day. The curandero or shaman would clean the physical body of the spirits afflicting their client with a spray of coke while sitting on the floor in a dark church with crudely formed wax candles set on the earthen floor in dried wax mounds. Chickens wandered around and there was some hay scattered on the floor. Visiting the church with no one there, I was aware of the power that inhabited that room. All the people involved certainly felt a healing transformation took place. Who was I to say any different? The healer was not using knives, or pills, but she was using her power in ancient traditions of spiritual healing. Why is healing the mind and spirit not as important as healing the body? How often does our medicine in the US not work? What are we missing?
While assisting in chiropractic I learned the focus is on realigning the spine to allow the body to heal itself. Let the spinal fluid flow as designed and the body can heal. This healing art has great methods to work on whole body health, wellness and pain management. Their focus is to help prevent surgeries that Western medicine turns to when pills fail to help the patient feel better. A good chiropractor also works with a client on muscle strength and flexibilty to prevent future injury. They focus on helping the muscle to repair from the injury and maintain the structural balance of the body. While fascinating and a valid healing in the right hands, I still felt this was missing a huge piece of the healing people needed. This healing art does not tend to the Soul of the matter.
My attention then turned to Reiki in Athens, GA by chance. I had a new job as an ophthalmic medical assistant and jumped in to learning all about the eyes. One day my mother told me with excitement how she had twisted her ankle terribly while walking in the garden at this party. A woman there asked if my mom would allow her to do Reiki on her ankle, as she was just learning and wished to help. My mom said that after several minutes of Reiki, her ankle felt much better. And by the time she left the party, she could not tell any injury remained. Soon after I ran into a high school friend who said she taught Reiki, I set up an appointment to learn right away. After I left the Reiki attunement, I knew it worked, but I didn’t understand how.
The next several years I spent offering to help friends and co-workers that had hurt themselves, if I felt comfortable that they would not look at me like I had lost my mind. I was super shy with whom I would offer to help. Once I had my children, I did Reiki for them all the time if they were scared, had a burn, couldn’t sleep or upset tummy, soothing them easily. Reiki helped everyone feel better, it worked by seeming to accelerate healing. Overtime I began to understand the action for healing was focus healing energy to vibrate at a higher frequency than we are normally. It seems to increase the healing action in cells metabolically to push healing through all stages quickly. Kids need very little Reiki time to feel better where as adults require much more. How could I teach people about Reiki without sounding too “out there” and create a practice helping people heal?
After years of helping people to see better and spending time helping patients relax for in office procedures, I learned as an assistant I have the ability to listen to and educate the patients, while the doctor tends to the part of the body he studied, the eyes. The amount of knowledge is incredible in medical doctors, but there is little focus on tending to the whole person. It’s fully treating the symptoms with “lite” education on maintenance and prevention. With all the changes in billing and healthcare regulations recently, it is near impossible to keep up with all the charting and coding necessary to actually get paid. As an assistant, I no longer have the time to educate patients well. Definitely a little amount of time left for patient care. So I have renewed my focus on Reiki.
The next step for me was to fully develop my Reiki skills and advance further in the healing art. I had a Master level attunement which increase the intensity of the Reiki vibrations and frequency which meant the healing time was quicker for acute injuries. I found a burn that turned the skin white would take 5 minutes of reiki to help push through all the phases of healing while before that would have been 20-30 minutes. The increased power of the healing energy I channeled also left me a bit spacey and I had to work hard to ground myself to be able to return to working with patients. At the next opportunity, I took a class to learn even more with Karuna® Reiki. Here is where I learned about Spiritual connections and hearing intuition. Yet another increase in the intensity of the Reiki energy. What a powerful experience! And yet there is more… Karuna® reiki is attuning to the energy frequencies of the Archangels and channeling that energy here on Earth. I was skepticle of this but once I was open to the possibilities of this being true, the ideas of where to treat and the next steps to help clients were easy to hear. So why not?
We are missing a healing of the soul and mind in Western medicine here in the USA. Knee hurts-here take this, does it work? No?… Inject this, still not helping? Lets cut this… no discussion of how to take care of oneself or other methods to try for healing. If someone is playing an instrument and it is out of tune, do we throw away the whole instrument? We would not dare trash something as expensive as a musical instrument but what about our bodies? Why would we throw away something as precious as an organ in our bodies simply because it is out of tune? Why not tune the body to prevent disease? Let’s reset the energetic vibration of an organ that is malfunctioning and help it to work again.
Frequency and vibrations describe not just energy waves but the movement of sound as well. Brain entrainment through hearing binural beats is another area to explore with Sacred Acoustics. A lesson in quantum physics helps understanding. Here is were Reiki and sound healing overlap. Follow this link to learn more from Alexandre Tannous, a well-known sound healer.
Many disease are from chronic inflammation preventing circulation and blocking our life energy which helps healing. Eastern medicine focuses on this for basic wellness. The study of Thai Chi focuses on moving the body and learning to be aware of the life energy in movement of our body. These are things we knew as children but forgot. In some hospitals in India they actually have musicians trained in healing through music playing for patients in recovery. As much focus is on wellness and healing as on the disease. This is what we need here in the USA. We need to learn how to tune our bodies. This is why I am bringing tuning fork therapies into my Reiki practice. Specifically from biosonics as they show the science and technology behind the manufacturing of their tuning forks. They are specifically designed for the overtones they transmit as well as the base frequency. The intensions and feelings can be transmitted with the sound and carried into the body of another. All religions and indigenous cultures have the same creation story–God spoke and created life. A study of Cymatics -watch videos on youtube- shows how sound can truly create form in medium of water or sand. So again why not?
It is truly quite amazing. Come experience a session for yourself and then you decide.