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Blog Posts - Page 2 of 4 - Serenity Attunement

Expanding Reiki Energy-work with Quantum Healing.

Have you ever wondered about this “energy” that people talk about? Have you watching Masked Singer and felt the most powerful performer give you goose bumps? Have you watched Dancing with the Stars and felt inspired watching? This is energy moving through them into you. These talented individuals are filled with love while doing these activities, and we feel it as observers.

This energy of love has a very powerful frequency, and other beings match it through entrainment. This process is similar to playing a piano and the sound wave causing the string on a guitar across the room to vibrate. The same thing happens with two grandfather clocks on two separate sides of the rooms, eventually they match the swing of the pendulum to each other.

Since we are made up of mostly water and we all have an electromagnetic field that radiates a frequency when we are happy, energized, or filled with love and excitement, it only makes sense that we can help each other using frequencies to heal our bodies. The thing about the electromagnetic fields though, is that is behaves like plasma (see Biofield tuning). What else behaves like a plasma?


Fire dances and twists, turns and burns through most things as the fire grows stronger. Oxygen feeds the fire. This is how energy works in the body. With breathwork, energy moves quickly and more powerfully burning off blocks from emotional holding. Holding any emotion causes a block or a dam to stop the energy and stagnate within that area. This lead to a build up of lactic acid and carbon monoxide over time. This causes soreness, inflammation, and over time disease. With practice, one can learn to be aware of this energy field and help it grow strong and burn off any blocks and allow for good flow and prevent disease. All energy modalities involve some sort of movement of life energy, whether through breath work and movement in Thai Chi or Chi Gong, or having someone else channel high frequency energy to entrain the recipient through Reiki, Healing Touch, or Quantum Healing. Quantum healing is different because it combines the energy work like Reiki and Healing Touch with breath-work.

This amps up the frequency by Quantum leaps into a whole new realm of potential for healing. Every client has felt the energy almost immediately. To me it feels like a warm hug and then starts to move through the body in waves. I have witnessed powerful release of old injuries, traumas, and old ways of thinking over these last few weeks. It’s been really beautiful to watch clients relax deeply and allow their body’s to heal at a whole different level.

If you are ready to take your healing to a new level, reach out and try Quantum Healing! I am super excited to bring this new modality to my clients as I felt it provide a deeper level of reconnecting each one of us to our healing potential. There is powerful healing energy in everything around us and this really helps to provide that reconnection that we have all lost somewhere along the way.

If you are new to energy work, please reach out and book a session. Your body can heal, it just needs to reconnect and remember what that feels like!
I love working with all ages, children and adolescents can really benefit from this work, as do animals and plants. Reach out if you have a loved one who seems disconnected lately. This Quantum Healing can powerfully reconnect them. Book now.

Reiki For Healing

Above all else, being kind is the best expression of love. Healing requires an abundance of love and compassion The more I teach Reiki classes, the more I feel it to my core. Reiki Principles are a simple and clear guide to love.

Just for today, do not anger. The energy of anger is powerful and spins fast like a fan. Unfortunately, when that fan is spinning we have no control and everyone in its path gets hurt. The key is to recognize anger and pause, pull the cord to the power source and go for a walk. Allow the fan to slow down and look at what hurt feelings powered it up in the first place. Tend to the hurt feelings with kindness. Love the opportunity to care for the hurt and heal this old wound.
Gratitude fills me with the opportunity to heal this in the moment to moment. I spent years running around trying to have a house clean enough, my business organized enough, my social media posts seen enough to grow my business. When I sat a listened to what was hurting, I found it was my spirit. It was time for me to be sure to play and do things I enjoyed. It was time to put me first. I had all my responsibilities handled and now it was time to focus on having fun.
Just for today, do not worry. Worrying takes you out of the present. The key to healthy living is staying in one’s body and mind in the minute to minute. I knew this intellectually, but it took me a long time to walk in the present moment. The more I learned to focus on inhabiting my body and treating it with kindness and care, in how I sat, stood, and held myself, the more present I became. I started to recognize how out of alignment I was when I worried, my hips tilted forward and then my whole spine and neck was out of whack. The importance of releasing worry to release my body was never more clear.

Just for for today, work honestly. This one is so important to unravel. I try hard to be honest to everyone, but what I realized is I wasn’t being honest to myself. Some days I didn’t want to be super helpful, creative, resourceful, and persistent. Some days I just wanted to rest. And once I realized how to recognize this, I realized this was me learning to be honest with myself. No one is perfect, and some days I get to lie low and be restful work slowly, to allow kindness to flow back through me. Allowing myself to process and understand my feelings was powerful. Giving myself space to not work at maximum efficiency gave me room to allow others to do the same.
Be grateful for your many blessings. Taking time every day to go through things for which I can be grateful helps me to start off on the right foot. This practice helps to switch gears and be thankful. Gratitude is essential for healing resentment. I needed this as I learned how to be kind to myself. Resentments were melting away and this focus on gratitude helped me to push that old dialogue and pattern out of the way.
Be kind to all living things. We loop back around to the most important thing. By being kind to another, that gives them permission to soften the heart and unwind their own inner dialogue. Being kind to myself, is equally important because it gives other permission to do the same. By being kind to myself, I have room in my heart, mind, and body, to extend grace to others. These principles are such an important key to healthy living. Reiki practice keeps me unwinding and unlinking, to be a better channel of unconditional love.

Learning Reiki is Learning to Love

When I first began my journey into Reiki and Energy work, I was really skeptical. All I knew was that my mother’s ankle had been healed after a bad sprain by someone doing Reiki on her at a party. I was fascinated. Little did I know that Reiki was really learning how to be a channel of love and compassion and this is what heals.

As the years have gone by and I teach more and more classes, I remember the beginning by watching my students. Feeling a bit of doubt, but feeling certain about the sensation of Reiki during the class. Self-treatment sessions are recommended daily. At first I just worked on injuries and neglected self-treatments, curious how Reiki worked. But as years went on I began to understand why self-treatments were so important.

The key to allowing deep flow for self-practice is love. Being able to generate feelings of love is a huge part of being able to channel Reiki. I have no trouble feeling love and compassion for others, but have trouble doing so for myself. By doing daily self-treatments, I have to carve out 15-45 minutes to just listen to my body and learn where I am holding tightness, pain, and emotions. And yes, despite having practiced Reiki for many years, I still hold onto stress and emotions. Remembering and understanding why daily self-treatments are recommended has been a game changer for me through this pandemic.

With this awakening, I learned loving others and connecting to Source, God, Love is the most healing action. The way to allow for more powerful Reiki for my clients is to turn this action on myself. This pandemic has allowed me the blessing of understanding the importance of self-love and self-care made a daily priority.

With so much uncertainty, the one true certain thing is our ability to love ourselves. No matter what happens, we have control over this most healing action. This is the key. No one else can do it for us. We have to learn how to use our most powerful heart generator to feel love for ourselves, all our emotions and mistakes in order to offer this to others. This is how we heal.

If you feel off balance, overwhelmed, angry, frustrated more than you feel love, it may be time to schedule a Reiki session to remember what love feels like flowing through your physical body. Reach out to schedule a session today. and just let me know if you prefer mornings or afternoons, weekdays or weekends. Much love to you.💖

Into the Wilderness

With all the shocking headlines, wild facebook posts, and intense twitter videos, I have felt the need to escape into the wilderness to breathe and find release. I am blessed with an amazing forest around both my home and my office so I am sure to give myself frequent break basking in the beauty of the outdoors. This has also made me wonder whatever happened to running wild. Do you remember running wild?

I remember running wild. I loved running with my friend and her dog in the woods. There was so much freedom and joy in just leaping over creeks, logs, and jumping down onto soft sandy land along side. We flew through the woods every time we played and that was the most free I felt. I was such a worrier as a kid. I worried what others thought of me for a long, long time. We moved around so much when I was little, but I felt at home with her as we ran the paths of the forest behind her home. Once I was old enough, I walked to her house to visit and explore the magic of the forest even though we were supposed to be too old for that kind of thing.

As I grew older I found myself feeling more and more out of place. Our friendship slowly dissolved over the years as we matured differently and her interests in boys separated us from adventure time. But the feeling of being wild I never forgot.

When I began to tour colleges, I knew I was home as we drove up to Young harris. The air began to smell different as we climbed the mountain in our car. Once I saw the water dripping down the mossy rocks of the cliff, I rolled down the windows to feel the wild chill in the air and the sweet smell of clean air filled my lungs and woke up a part of me. The wildness began to coarse through my veins and the longing began.

anonymous young woman sitting on floor in ardha padmasana position near esoteric objects used for meditation

One of my classmates helped me to manage stress beyond sitting in the trees, watching the night sky, or hiking in the forest. She talked with me about meditation and Reiki. With breathwork I learned to clear my mind and connect with the sense of home no matter where I was.

My interest was peeked with her stories about her mothers friends who learned to heal with their hands. I knew I had to learn how to do this as it felt wild and natural. Healing with meditation and touch seemed magical and mystical and somewhat behind the veil of mystery,… it called to me but would be another 7 years before I answered the call.

beautiful beauty blue bright

I found myself at the crucial moment after graduation wondering how I could begin to train as a teacher of healing arts. I knew I didn’t want to be a doctor as pharmaceuticals were their course of study. At a music show I ran into a high school art friend. we began talking and the mysterious ways of the universe lead us around to reiki, and of coarse she was a teacher. I learned to channel the wild energy of love and feeling home.

And here we are years later and I am teaching my own Reiki classes. I love opening the door for people to explore their own healing energy body. With awareness and connection they all begin on their path to healing themselves. The amazing thing about learning energy work and specifically reiki, is that you never forget or lose the ability to channel healing energy. The key is to trust and release, and let it flow. Reach out if you are interested in learning Reiki or even acupressure or tuning fork therapy for energy balancing. There’s so much to learn about how to heal. Why wait? Reach out, my door is open, for group lessons, private lessons, apprenticeships, and sessions. Relearn how to run wild.

Other Ways Energy Medicine Can Help You Reclaim Your Power

Powerful force in the fires of passion

You know how angry some people can make you feel? They seem to know exactly how to push your buttons with laser focus and precision. They can hone right in on things that make you rage and fire up in just a few words? Typically the people will be your siblings, lover, spouse, children, or best friend. They know what can really get you boiling and how to pull your strings. Pause just a second. Think about that saying,…they are literally pulling your strings.

What is helpful to realize, is when you are fiery mad and very passionate, your blood pressure gets super high, your adrenaline pumps through your body, and your heart beats super fast getting you ready for a fight. If you don’t run and burn off that adrenaline, then your body is stuck trying to manage the effects of all this fuel being amped up to power you through the fight. Your subtle energy body is tucked up into your center, typically in the solar plexus chakra. That person is literally pulling your strings, pushing your buttons, and controlling you, and you are letting them.

How do I know this? Because I was raised by Mr. Road-Rage himself. Oh yes, I would drive around completely offended that someone hit their brakes, flipped me off, cut me off, or made a face at me. My father tail-gated terribly and was the most aggressive driver, and I hated it. I finally found my voice at 18 and told him to pull over and let me walk the 2 hours home because I did not want to die today. Then guess what? I did that same exact thing…

Everyone on the road had power over me. The day I was a passenger and made a face at someone who was all ragey over us pulling into the center lane at an intersection when she was in the blind spot and trying to pull into the same lane, was the day I realized I needed to heal. She pulled a gun on us and chased us all over. I realized then that I needed to never get angry at another driver, never react with anger, and certainly never make a face . I could have gotten my friends killed as this woman let her anger drive her into rage and chase us through Atlanta. We finally escaped by pulling onto I-20 and racing off.

This was a huge turning point for me. No matter how bad I thought I had it fighting with traffic, there was certainly others who were far more fed up and at the edge of sanity. And they had a car and possibly a gun. This also changed the way I looked at my life. I could breathe, and calm down, and not take things personally and no longer be part of the problem. Who knows what someone was going through-I needed to show kindness. Reiki taught me this every time I practiced.

Overtime I learned to apply filter that to work relationships, patients, and finally family. With Reiki practice, I began to understands how much I hurt myself by staying angry or even allowing myself to get there. It was a slow transformation to make it all the way back to family, but it has changed my life. I no longer take anyone’s behavior or mood personally. I finally have been able to hang out with my father and not take his anger personally and instead ask him how he is hurting. This has helped him to realized how he is standing hurts his back or his feet and to take better care of himself in the moment. It took me years to get there, but it changed everything about our relationship. The last key to untangle my power from my motional family ties was Biofield Tuning. It literally tuned up my energy so I no longer had these walls up, so that I was no longer holding.

In these pandemic times of fear and isolation, this has helped me tremendously to navigate the dicey waters of social media. I do not take anyone’s comments personally, most of the time. In the beginning of the pandemic, I worked hard on social media to try and open up discussion and engage in intelligent debate. But things over time devolved into simply angry people who are hurting and everyone else being wrong. It has been very upsetting. I am learning discernment. There’s times to simply move past the discourse and say nothing. These times are tough but the most unifying, universal truth is love. I return to Reiki to rebalance myself along with chanting. So powerful good.

We all need to touch-base and connect with friends and family and reaffirm that we love each other. It’s super important to not allow emotions, politics, anger to divide us. Instead, when you start to notice your are beginning to feel angry, pause and instead consider it is your souls way of saying it is time to play. Enough is enough. No more work. Time to go play.

If you are having trouble making time for play, likely you need a tune-up. Reiki with Sound Therapy and/or Biofield Tuning may be just what you need. Call or email me to set up your session today. 706-207-4253 or

Tortured No More- How Energy Work Helped Me

As a highly sensitive person, I have spent much of my life worrying what others think of me. It’s a super painful way to live because I feel others emotions so well. After years of pain, eczema and poor digestion, I have finally learned how to feel safe despite the intensity of all the emotions around me.

Ha ha, just kidding. Although there are certainly time I have wished for this crystaline armor to protect me from others, I learned how to power up my field and become literally this impermeable to others judgements and heavy emotions. Through the most powerful force in the universe….. LOVE.

Yes, that’s right. It’s free and universal to all creatures and from an unlimited source. Love, Love, Love. We all need it, we all want it, and guess what, we all are built, designed, and encoded with the ability to harness and amplify this one most powerful healing thing.

How do you start to tap into this a power up? Through self-love. Pure, unconditional, unadulterated, self-adoration, and awe at the amazing power your have in the very smallest particles of your being. You are amazing, powerful, and incredible. How do you do it? How do you walk, breathe, and play so well? Its truly a miracle we are even alive and the body systems all work if you think about it.

Self-love, that all? How easy right?

Well, no actually. I had to start in the very beginning with unwinding all the preconditions I had learned throughout my life that I had to meet to be loved. Perfect hair skin, clothes, body- nope. Meditate with reiki and breathe love into all those painful memories of judgement about my body, hair, clothes, breathe love into those awkward times when I felt everyone was looking at me and judging me.

Guess what some probably were, but their opinion is not important. I can never be loved by everyone-breathe and radiate reiki into those lessons forward and backwards. I can never please everyone. I have to learn to be myself 100% and please myself, then I can help others without hurting. This article on “The Art of Not Giving a Shit” (yes, I googled that) helped me so much the last few days. Please read this link. SO helpful. Some people will hate me for being too friendly, some will hate for being too sunny, but that’s ok because as long as I am loved by me, then I can be ok without their approval- Reiki all over that and release with breath and energy work.

Guess what, the more I unwind all these limiting beliefs, the more I unkink the flow of the most abundant resource of all of the universe- LOVE. This has taken me years. It has been hard but so helpful. The more I dig in, the more opens for me. And then everything else that I wish to create falls into place.

Did I do this over night? Of coarse not. I have had several teacher, mentors, and I still have them now despite being one myself. You know why? Because I am human and as a human I will fall down into the same hole of anger or fear, until I have learned the lesson in every way possible. These holes though, they get smaller, and what energy work has taught me, is how to see that hole sooner, side step it, or recognize when I have one foot in it, so I may back up and not fall all the way in. You can do it too! Set up appointment with me today. You deserve it.

Navigating the Inner Landscape with Reiki and Energy Medicine

The last few months of this pandemic world has created an opportunity for me to dig in an heal my old patterns. A few of my old fears rear their ugly head when stressful life situations come my way. I know myself thankfully after years of sitting with my emotions and making space to witness them, and so I could tell I was spinning out. Time to dig in and make space for healing.

My trigger is financial hardship and my response is to get angry. So there’s been a good bit of that around the house which is my clue to get some alone time outside.

While sitting in the yard doing breath work and imagining myself floating like the wind through the leaves on the trees I understood I was hurting myself by working too much. I had been focused on researching grants/ loans and department of labor rules. I had been pushing myself too much. Time for me to pause and let go of the illusion of control. It was time for me to float on the river and practice being a leaf on the water; the swell was here. There’s nothing I could do about it but simply be.

Unwinding that spring of fear around money is an ongoing process, but I have simply learned to pace myself and pause when I am starting to feel angry, annoyed, or frustrated. I am doing reiki and acupressure to rebalance the energy and unkink the blocks that come from stress and create anxiety. That allows me to get in touch with my physical body and reconnect my awareness allowing the flow to return and rebalance my emotions. Then I am able to feel that reconnection through my feet to the Earth. The emotions and stress now flow out into the Earth and she nourishes me in return. There’s literally nothing else to be done but go outside and chose to enjoy the beautiful life around me.

This is a process of forgetting and relearning every few weeks of this pandemic, but what a great time for me to push against the growth edge and learn a new lesson completely with lots of practice. Truly as long as I have the ability to feel amazement at our gorgeous world filled with life, I can feel we have enough.

Following the Reiki Principals

The ocean just wipes away stress and I feel so free in the wind and the waves.

Along with learning to connect and channel Reiki energy with an attunement, we also learn the Reiki precepts. These guidelines provide an ideal way to live one’s life in order to be the beacon of universal life energy from the heavens. These ideals provide a goal for the way to be walking with love and compassion. These precepts have given me so much to work on for the last 20 years. The precepts are as follows:

Just for today, do not worry
Just for today, do not anger
Just for today, do your best
Just for today, be grateful
Just for today, be kind to every living thing.

Simple enough, but oh so challenging. The key to being able to walk fully in all of these practices has been to take time to breathe deep and quiet my mind. Then in that space I am able to allow my body to release all the stress and emotions I have been holding. Meditation was impossible for me until Reiki. This practice has truly changed my life from one of surviving to one of thriving!

Just for today, is super helpful for me as it takes away the pressure of having to live up to this all the time. Since this is just for today, it feels very doable. I love that each one starts with what I feel is essentially saying, focus on right now.

Do not worry. This precept is easier some day more than others. I truly have come to realize, as long as I am taking time to breathe deep and take time for me a few times throughout the day, then this is possible.
Thoughts can be my biggest enemy, but instead of fighting them I have learned to see the worry as a clue it is time to be peaceful and take time to relax. Do not worry, but instead do.

Trying to control anger did not work. I had to view anger as a baby to be tended to.

Do not anger, has literally been my most challenging practice. The hardest part was to see how I was hurting and tend to that on my own. I learned to accept responsibility for my emotions and then talk to others after I had determined the root cause.

One book that helped me tremendously was ANGER by Thich Naht Hanh. This book describes the importance of personifying anger and seeing Anger as a baby. I had to learn to tend to the baby, and take it for a walk until it calmed down.

Next I learned to dig in and examine what was the hurt underneath. This skill is super empowering. No longer was I victim of my emotions or what someone “made me feel.” This simple precept took me years to master. And now that I have, I want everyone to know how important and powerful this is!

This technique of tending to Anger is a key step in Reclaiming your Power. You have the power over how you react to situations. You have the power to tend to you emotions and love them all as a part of you. This is self-love.

Once you have mastered the concept, the next step is to practice and feel it. Set up a session with me to learn or remember how to Reclaim your power through self love. Email to set up time for self work.❤️


Reiki and Sound Therapy Testimonials

Kim is an experienced and highly effective energy healer. She uses a technique that is customized so that the person experiencing the energy healing can receive maximum benefit. Keep up the great work, Kim!

—Stephen B.

Had a wonderful and powerful experience. Very happy with the difference I can feel a difference in my body and soul. I will be going back next week, can’t wait to feel the results after numerous sessions. I highly recommend.

—Megan M.

Kimberly is a compassionate, caring, and engaging REiki provider and instructor. Working with her always calms my spirit and rejuvenates my mind and body. She is a gifted individual and my ability to regulate and respond to my emotional well-being has greatly improved over my years of working with her.                                 —Dr. Shena G.

Kim did a reiki session with me on Wednesday and I have to say it was one of the most wonderful experiences of my life. I cannot wait for another sessions. She is awesome and has a wonderful gift. I hope to see her sharing this gift with many more people.

—Leeanne C.

I cannot emphasize enough how I glad I am that I contacted Kim and had a reiki session with her. I have since had many more sessions with her and after each I can feel the clearing and healing! My husband has enjoyed his sessions as well. I would highly recommend her to anyone for results of overall well being and relief from aches and pains. My husband and I both had a session before a long day of travel and we felt 25 years younger and had more energy! So grateful to connect with such a true giver of love and light!

—Diane W.


From beginning to end, Kim has been such a blessing! She went over and beyond the call of duty as our wedding officiant! She offered guidance and support we needed for our special day. We could not have dreamt up a more perfect ceremony. We owe Kim tremendously. The ceremony was personal and really reflected who we are as a couple. We would highly recommend Kim. Great job!

—Amy B.

I highly recommend Kim Naugle Long as your wedding officiant. Kim served as officiant in for our wedding ceremony April 27, 2019 in Lawrenceville, GA. She was EXCELLENT. I had known her for decades, going back to our years in college and traveling Central America, so the choice was easy for me. She is a wonderful, caring, considerate person, and I knew it would e so special to have her marry us. Kim guided us through the legal hoops. She made herself totally available to us by phone and teleconference, even though we hired her weeks before the ceremony…Most importantly, she wanted to give us *exactly what we wanted* in our ceremony. She made an effort to get to know my now husband Jay. She mentioned special unique things about us in the ceremony. She was there in the bridal suite and groom’s suite before the ceremony to make sure we were both happy with the final vows. It was a great experience. I highly recommend her as your wedding officiant.    

—Cass Nelson-Dooley, MS

Erasing overwhelm with an afternoon stroll through the garden.

While walking in the botanical gardens on my lunch break, I was focusing on breath work to be present and release some stress. Over the years of doing energy work I have learned the importance of breath work and drawing in life through the crown and healing stress out through my feet. Today that alone was not enough to bring balance.

My day at the office had gotten overwhelming and I sought the forest for solace. Typically, I find myself focusing on the glory of all the showy flowers, but today was different. I had no interest in their colors or shapes beyond a brief, “oh that’s nice.” I found so many other amazing things captured my focus.

The wrinkled bark on a tree. The leaves alternately repeating on a stem. The moss growing on the side of a tree. Beautiful! I found the tranquility in these things. I began to ponder how today was different from my normal.

I sought out interesting bends in limbs. Rotting tree trunks, a branch that made the number four, they all captured my interest. The knots in the bark all had faces and stories to tell. They were so interesting. I found release in the calm, subtle textures and colors. Finding myself lost in their patterns relieved my troubled mind of its burdens. Then I realized something more.

Flowers have a way of grabbing my attention. But today the calmer, quieter, bark of the trees beckoned me with their wrinkles, curves, and patterns. Their imperfections lured me deeper into the study of the trees smaller stories. So many patterns emerged in the less vibrant plants. The beauty was there, I just had to look deeper and with an inner quiet. And that’s what I loved.

So much of my world is a visual barrage of the colors, lights, and movement. This forested landscape offered me a study of older, wiser, calm energy. That calm stillness, a gentle presence that will be there for years…that reassurance felt deeply grounding. No matter what happens in my day, I can rest assured there will be a forest full of strong, steady trees reaching to the sky. They will always be heading towards the light with their slow, steady pulse, full of strength pulling in the light and filtering the air. No matter what, these trees will support me and my lungs. What a treasure.

I turned to leave the Forest feeling somewhat reset. Climbing the hill out of the gully, my heart began to pound and my lungs began to burn. My body pushed out the adrenaline as I puffed up the steep hill in the heat of this endless summer. The sweat felt good now, I was releasing tension and feeling the power in my lungs and steps.

Exiting the woods, I felt back to me. Forest is my medicine. Even when it’s not the right time for deep meditation, a light shifting of focus will do. Being outside allows me to expand my senses and feel big. I am grateful for today. Energy work practicing reiki has taught me so much.

Bridge into the higher self and quiet mind.
Bridge into the higher self and quiet mind. I found this on free images pexels, and immediately felt a sense of entering a portal.

This post was written last August in 2019. I had no idea what was coming as I quit my office job and regular paycheck in January of 2020. Looking back, I sense the challenges I faced maintaining one foot in the regular grind of 8-5, and another foot stepping into the mystery. While feeling blessed to have the support of my friends and family, I have also looked into the face of fear of complete financial loss a emerged better for resolving that deep seated separation from love. Love is trusting that I am capable of asking for help and finding solutions however hat may present. Sometimes that just requires floating on the stream and finding the blessing in the ability to do just that.

Gratitude: The first step to improve your world

As a Sound Therapy Practitioner, I study the relaxing and healing effects of sounds on the body. Which has in turn led me to study the healing effects of mindfulness and emotions. When gratitude fills my mind, it also fills my body and stress is released.

I am not the only one who has learned this. There are several studies done on the effects of gratitude you can read more:  Gratitude can literally change the way your brain works.

We can use this emotion to help connect and heal our community and in turn our world.

Everything has a vibrational frequency, and in Sound Therapy we say people have dissonant or coherent vibrations in their biofields aka aura and electromagnetic field. To illustrate, let’s imagine a cat purring, that is coherent vibration. Imagine a cat with hair raised and hissing, that is dissonance.

There are ways to measure and help people regain coherent fields through meditation and breathwork that’s visible using biofeedback. There are emotions that help to clear areas of stress or dissonance in the body. The powerful emotions in our culture that appear to have the most coherent vibrations are gratitude, joy, compassion, and love. 

This therapy has taught me the importance of realizing the power each person has with not only healing their bodies, but also in healing the world. When a person decides to focus on everything in their line of sight for which they are grateful, something shifts and their bodies relax. Once a body starts to relax, hormones begin to balance. Adrenaline stops pumping through the body, getting them ready to run by pulling circulation away from their digestive organs and storing as much energy as possible for the danger and rapid firing of the muscles.
By allowing their body to relax, they will feel better in touch with the correct foods to nourish their body, the stomach will produce the right amount of
digestive juices, the liver will be able to process the sugars, fats, and proteins properly and so on.
Next as muscles release tension, the body will being to process all the carbon monoxide and lactic
acid. The muscle will balance their metabolic actions allowing for a reduction of pain. The cascade of balancing may take several weeks depending on the amount of stress and imbalance, but the shift will release all that no longer benefits them.

For me, I have started with tiny steps each day. With a deep breath and observing with intention everything for which I feel grateful, a roof over my head, dry clean clothes, a soft bed, I can release tension from all over my body. Within just a few minutes, I feel a loving glow from my heart fill my whole torso and radiate down through my feet. With intention, the next step is to release that deep into the earth. 

Continuing to think in gratitude as I exit my home, I notice the beautiful trees and leaves that produce the oxygen I breathe. I am grateful for that exchange to allow this clean air that helps my body and mind. I breath in deeply and again exhale and extend my awareness to the powerful roots of those trees that grow deep beneath my feet and throughout the yard. Those roots communicate wonderful nutrients and more from tree to tree. They are all connected.
With that exhale my awareness of this beauty, I too am connected. After a brief pause to breathe once more, I walk down a few steps towards my car. I look out to the distance trees and take a moment to hear the birds. What beautiful creatures they are as they fly around from tree to tree collecting food for their families. How beautiful Earth is this day!

By shifting into this state of gratitude, my blood pressure is lowered, my heart rate is slow and steady and I am feeling quite calm. While I drive down the road, I can maneuver gently and quickly as needed. I keep my distance from the car in front of me so that I can react with plenty of time and less frustration. I allow myself to witness the beauty of nature all around me. How blessed to be able to drive and experience such freedom. Windows wide open and hair blowing free, this is a blessing. I am acknowledging every step of my journey the beauty and blessings of Earth which keep me centered and relaxed.

Once I am in my office I am able to be kind and present for each of my clients. With this morning walk of gratitude, I have released stress and tension so that I have room not only in my mind but also in my body for the work of my day. With practice, everyone can do the same. 

Imagine a world where everyone walked with gratitude for this beautiful Earth. We each would witness the rocks and minerals cleaning our water and rain, the trees and plants giving us the oxygen we breathe, the creatures growing which may bring us nourishment. How kind we would be and how careful with our resources. We would waste not seeing that taking too much can cause injury. We have plenty, we are supported and have all that we need. Once you notice everything around you, you feel supported and recognize the abundance. What a beautiful world we live in! How balanced we all would be feeling the abundant resources that supports us on Earth.

When one person works to shift their awareness to one of gratitude, it opens up their mind to the potential they have to create their world. As they make these changes, and allow room for gratitude, opportunities appear that they would not have recognized before. As they do this, others who are ready will notice and learn how to do the same. Then we are available to combine our talents for a balanced life. We can all regain our connection and balance with this world and all her creatures, and shifting to a place of gratitude is one of the most powerful ways to start.

I am super grateful for the privilege of guiding others to see and feel the powerful emotions that bring balance and heal their bodies. We have the power to radiate gratitude and walk with loving dignity no matter our circumstances. No one can take that away. You may choose to give it away, but no one can take the power of gratitude away from you without your permission.

Reclaim your power and radiate that gratitude into our beautiful Earth. It will not only heal you, but give others around you space and permission to do the same. This awakening starts with both you and I. Walking with gratitude together can heal us all.

How to stay centered on social media

For the last few years I have struggled with the best way to open dialogue and be heard in a group discussion. So many people are talking but not many listen. After watching others, I have learned what closes doors and opens them in each other minds while talking in debate. The key is to remain calm so that you can clearly state your case. People stop listening when emotions take over the discussion, so keep anger at bay through breathing deep and staying grounded. This follows for social media.

No matter the issues, it seems there is always one inflammatory story after another, seeking to grab your attention by shocking and startling you. What the goal is, varies but ultimately it is to grab someone by the emotionally heartstrings and render a person either grief-stricken or filled with rage. This allows us to be easily manipulated. As a highly sensitive person I have struggled with the best way to handle this effectively. How to be heard and see clearly through all the emotional bullying that occurs on social media?

Well here are a few keys,

  1. KNOW  yourself- play attention to your sensitivity cycles. My energy waxes and wanes. Some days I feel like I am on top of the world and can conquer everything on my to do list while also saving every creature I come across. Other days I feel like it’s a struggle to get out of bed. Allow for this. Learn your cycles.
  2. Watch the moon, I have seen so many friends unaware of their cycle (men and women both) lash out and act all kinds of mean and vicious and its a full moon. Be aware of this and stay off social media during a full moon or a crash day. Stress can wreck you. It is oh so tempting but not worth the stress and drama you may receive or inflict upon others.
  1. Do your research- Don’t reflexively share every link and story you come across. With a quit 3 second search you can double check your info. Save your self the embarrassment of having to delete your post later after someone calls out the fake news. I have learned so much about fake media stories and their method for shock-seeking. Everything has a spin on it, can you find it?
  2. Take mental health breaks from social media. Make sure you spend time doing things you love that allow your heart to hum with gratitude many times per day. Find activities that quiet your mind and require all your attention and are fun!
  1. Respond with curiosity and laughter. Don’t engage in battle online. Keep it light and funny.
  2. Breathe deep, stretch and focus on daily gratitudes (seems next post!)

And if find yourself falling into a dark hole, please reach out to friends and family to help you see the sunshine and beauty. You can also call me to help you press that reset button to rekindle that feeling or joy and awe at the beauty in our world. Hang in there my friends, the world needs you.

You are never alone

While listening to my friend today, the thought occurred to me, we are never truly alone. No matter how alone we think we are, someone sees and someone cares. I think back to all the times that I felt alone growing up, all the times that I felt like no one cared…it wasn’t true.

My friend was talking about how she felt exhausted after such an emotional day. Things felt harder than usual and the simplest tasks were a struggle. On her drive home after this tiresome day, the school bus full of middle schoolers stopped in front of the Salvation Army and let this young girl off. As the girl walked into the building, she got tears imagining the embarrassment and cruelty of the kids on the bus. If only they had let her off a few buildings up or not waited until she had entered. She could only imagine how hard the next day might be for that sweet, sweet girl. If it bothered that middle schooler, as one can only imagine it did, she surely felt terribly alone in that long walk to the door of the building. She surely felt all eyes cruelly judging her from the windows. And yet, just beyond was a kind soul shedding tears, sharing in her pain.

I think back to all those times I felt shamed as a kid, from the little boy making jokes about my bodysize in 5th grade to the mean kid in 6th grade who angrily teased me after I won the trivia game. I can see her anger, shame and frustration clearly. I see with compassion that she stuffs the embarrassment inside, swallows it day after day believing everyone thinks as the loud mean kids do.

But now I know, that wasn’t true. I wasn’t alone. The one loud rude person was only one voice. Others were there and likely uncomfortable. No one else was laughing. When I tell this story, the listeners are there, with kindness. We are never alone. As an adult I look on with compassion.

Now, if I ever see this again, I can look on this sweet soul with compassion. I can reach out with kindness and hope to open their eyes to the rest of the world. I can say, “Just breathe and remember you are never alone. What one person thinks is never as important as what you think.”

With Reiki and Sound Therapy I have done deep work to release this younger part of me from the trauma. This is soul retrieval, this is repatterning my brain, this is also what I call time travel. Through journey work, Sound Therapy, Singing and laughter we can go back and heal, we can be our own best friend. Now is what matters and realizing we are never alone.