This past few weeks I upgraded to the Holy Fire III® Reiki frequency for my Karuna® Reiki Sessions and what a difference! The energy from the Holy Fire symbol is intensely hot which really helps clients and myself to bring awareness to different parts and layers of the body where there is tightness. The heat of the energy grows as the flow intensifies and then it moves stuck energy or emotions far faster than ever before. I will say Holy Fire energy seems to melt the hard energy blocks quickly. This energy is a powerful level up for the Love energy for healing.
HOLY FIRE heals all over
With Holy Fire Reiki meets each person where they are and helps for an all over energy shift. This doesn’t focus in on one part of the person but rather addresses the whole person. The whole includes all their layers of growth on energetic and spiritual layers. I haven’t seen it push anyone past where they should be causing any type of discomfort in the client later. I have seen that with many different modalities, but not with Holy Fire III® Reiki. This seems to encompass the whole person so that the is far less resistance. I am amazed as the possibilities for release both on soul trauma levels and ancestral trauma levels.

My personal experience with Holy Fire III® Reiki has allowed me to expand my awareness of my grounding and being a channel of the energy while my hands, eyes, and voice are like conduits that help connect them to the high frequency state of being. This has really helped me to recognize when I am interfering with the flow and shift and correct my posture and then allow for their higher self to guide their experience. The less I direct, the better the flow. How lovely is that?
Reiki Healing Qualitites
Regarding the healing qualities, I remember working on a soft tissue injury like a twisted ankle and it would take about 30 minutes of reiki treatment for the injury to heal with level I&II. When I received the Master level it would take about 10-15 minutes. Then with Karuna Reiki within 7 minutes a twisted ankle would be resolved. Now with the Holy Fire III® Reiki energy I am seeing shifts within minutes. My old deep burn (I neglected to take time to treat immediately upon receiving the injury) that was just scabbing over healed up within a day. It amazing and I cant wait to see what happens next!
Currently, I am working on expanding my energy shift at all levels before I teach a class with this energy. It has been three weeks since my upgrade, and I have led many circles to have Holy Fire III® Reiki experiences. How lovely that have been for all of us. I am excited to continue expanding my spiritual and energetic growth for benefit of my clients and family. These are exciting times!
Grounding your energy body is so important. Check out my newest video for a mini-lesson on how to do this.
Reach out and book your session today to treat yourself and enter a deep healing space and remember who you truly are: a powerful huge energy being. Release your heavy energy, Reconnect your energy body, Restore your healing power within.
Click here Book Your Session today and tap into your power energy.