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Reiki near me Archives - Serenity Attunement

Reiki Will Always Be My Go-To

lady in beach silhouette during daytime photography

When I began practicing Reiki full-time, I had no idea where this would lead me. With a giant leap of faith I quit my steady paycheck job of more than 17 years back in January of 2020. I had been trying to grow my own Reiki Energy-Healing practice while working part-time, and finally realized I would only get the energy back that I put into it. And with that, I leapt…

My journey with Reiki practice began with an Usui Reiki attunement in 2002. I was skeptical, but my mom had just had her twisted ankle healed by Reiki at a party a few months back and she was amazed by the results. I had a deep conflict between being very much needing physical proof while at the same time being captivated by the spiritual healings we studied in Anthropology. While auras, biofields, energy-bodies were talked about, I questioned that they were anything palpable, treatable, healable, or visible. So I went into the attunement with a curious but “prove it” attitude. And prove it she did…

white pillar candle beside clear glass bottle
Photo by Vinícius Vieira ft on

After over a decade studying and learning more about the subtle-body through Reiki, with Sound, using energy meridians, different types of Energywork, I have learned to sense disruption in the biofield not only with tuning forks, but with intuition, Reiki, Quantum Healing and Angel guidance. I have tested what I was sensing and repeatedly found my intuition to be correct. My Reiki students have also been able to sense similar things. This has opened up a whole different aspect of the work as I have allowed for guidance to flow through me. My initial focus was on understanding how energy flows through the physical body and how to improve that flow. I focused on Tuning forks and Reiki to help clear blocks in the physical body. This is powerful but I realize I limited the energy flow in the past. All these methods can work on so many levels. The bigger energy perspective that allows big shifts is the aura level work. 

Now my focus is on Aura clearing at all levels. I can now check at every level and be sure everything that is healthy and gentle to clear has been accomplished. Using Reiki is lovely because it is gentle and powerful. After a full reiki session, I go back and check it with aura clearing and find it to be well healed in most cases. I still check both the chakra (aka major energy centers) flow well, and I also tune in to the meridians within the physical body and verify they are clear and flowing well. I have come to see how our energy should flow quickly like a waterfall which carried away the “blocks” and hard “energy” that can begin to block the flow and over time stack up and create a dam. Once this happens, fatigue, anxiety, stress, lack of focus will result. 

woman sleeping
Photo by Ivan Oboleninov on

Aura-focused work shows me how important it is for each client to do daily work for themselves to maintain it if possible. Even one day can cause someone to hold enough hard energy blocks to stack up and cause trouble. Sleeping will help repair this but if there’s enough perceived stress, sleep may be difficult. I include mini-lessons for my clients to continue to maintain their grounding if they are interested.

The key is to be sure to connect to the Earth and release stress out of the body. The key is to take time to breathe, expand awareness into the entire body and then connect to the Earth and release stress blocks down and out of the body. Being able to visualize it and guide the flow of energy is essential. This is why I am creating videos and a book of mini-lessons so that all my client can continue the work at home and practice! It’s so important, now more than ever. Please share these from my YouTube channel if it helps you. It’s time we all work together to help each other rise and be our best. Every day our best will look different and that’s ok too.

lady in beach silhouette during daytime photography
Photo by Jill Wellington on

Reach out for a private session, using reiki or other methods, if you’d like additional help. Otherwise enjoy my mini-lessons. Much love. 

Reiki and Plants

Recently the medicine of plants have been calling to me so I have been working with the plants in my yard using reiki. I keep having dreams where I “know” which plants are healing and which plants are nourishing. This deep feeling that we all need to restore our intuitive connection with the plants in our own yard and region is strong.

Just a few years ago I discovered the benefits of essential oils and kept into ordering and studying and learning all that I could. While the benefits are clear and based on the chemicals in the plants, I kept feeling it was so wasteful. 1,000 mandarin to make the mandarin oil I was using. How much sandalwood and frankincense? How could this be sustainable if we want everyone to use plants as medicine? The more I would study the more I learned about unsustainable practices, over harvesting, and companies buying foreign lands and only hiring locals to work the land as employees, not supporting their independence with allowing land ownership. There had to be a better way to heal with plants, I just knew it in my bones.

Doterra supports local owned plants grown and harvested and teach essential oil processing to help support independent families in other countries.

After my deep year long dive into essential oils, I visited my college roommate on her organic farm north of Seattle. She had journeyed deep into shamanism and spirit medicine after we had parted ways. She gave her book on Plant Shamanism and more. That book had such wisdom, talking about the importance of finding the medicine of the plants living near me. Plants growing around me would learn what nutrients I needed and fill that need. I just needed to be spending time with them and talking to them. The plants could read my energy field and see what to make to help nourish me on every level. What an amazing thought!

Since then, I have been working to grow as many herbal medicinal plants as possible. The blue berries are so important but adding in herbs to every meal has provided subtle shifts. I am learning to use stinging nettles, plantain, basil, pineapple sage, kitchen sage, lemon balm, rosemary, oregano, catnip, and thyme in so many ways. I have also discovered that even Sweet Gum trees have anti-viral properties when harvesting green sweet gum balls and making a tincture from them. Chickweed and henbit even have good vitamins to help us. I am so excited to be learning about the medicine in my own backyard. I try to use something from my yard in every meal and even in my water.

chicken meat on white ceramic plate
Photo by Olya Kobruseva on

By doing reiki on each plant that’s growing in my yard, I learn what the plant needs to thrive, and I begin to notice what is unbalanced. Perhaps some mulch to maintain the moisture, maybe some weeding to clear the ground, maybe trimming back to help fresh growth emerge, and maybe some compost for nutrients. the reiki also helps the plants to root better and thrive. It’s been an amazing journey to connect with and learn how these amazing plants are here to help us and communicate. I am even learning which weeds are tasty as they are with just a little rinse. They let me know the importance of adding a little to all my food, rather than just adding to one dish once in a while. My yard is full of native salad greens and I even found some mustard greens. What a discovery!

Take time to connect with the food growing in your own yard. Try using Reiki to see what you notice! Don’t know Reiki yet? Sign up for my classes.

Reiki is Energy Medicine

Energy medicine is finally getting the attention that it deserves as a powerful catalyst for healing. Energy medicine includes any modality that helps someone to connect to and expand their subtle energy body. Energy medicine can be Reiki, Aura Healing, Healing Touch, Pranic Healing, Quantum Healing, the Reconnect, and Acupressure or Acupuncture. There is also Sound Therapy that helps to expand the energy body. Because so many people are raised believing all that they are is flesh and bones, they restrict their energy to fit inside that boundary. In reality we a huge energy beings that expand outside of the physical body several feet in every direction.

Our lifestyles are also so incredibly hectic causing our energy to cycle back on itself creating stress, inflammation, and anxiety loops. Many people live inside a box and rarely spend time outside. You can see the emphasis on larger and larger houses rather than larger yards. This disconnect with the frequency of the Earth and plants leads to eczema, allergies, auto-immune disorders, and more over time. We have forgotten how to ground release energy by connecting to the Earth.

Most people do not ever connect their energy body fully into their physical body except for during dancing, singing, or orgasm. It’s important to feel safe in one’s body most of the time rather than just a few minutes of the day. With guidance everyone can learn how to breathe and exhale releasing stress and tension from their physical bodies down into the Earth. This release allows their natural healing life energy to flow powerfully through their whole being once again. This is where energy medicine will empower everyone to heal and be healthy.

With a little practice before sessions and after sessions, I teach my clients to connect into their body and ground into the Earth, centering themselves with their awareness. Many highly sensitive people (HSP) or empaths are constantly focused on others feelings which causes them to ignore their own body. Once an HSP/empath learns to focus on their own body, they learn how to release stress, tension, and heal by staying fully present in their own body. This is how to release other people’s stuff.

Through practice, my clients gain the ability to reclaim their power with a quick exhale and release of feelings that they are holding. With this practice, healthy boundaries return. By paying more attention to feelings and breathing them out, each person can feel fully present, safe, and strong in their bodies. The energy shifts and becomes stronger as one learns how to check inside and trust ourself before agreeing to do something. This centering allows for better expression also. This is self love and is super powerful. A beautiful energy flow and large, balanced energy field is a result.

Holding emotions in is fairly common. Due to judging these emotions on some level as bad or painful, they are stored in the physical body typically in the spleen, pancreas, or liver. This leads to poor digestion and tight muscles in the surrounding area. This causes a buildup of lactic acid, carbon monoxide and other cellular waste that leads to pain and inflammation. How do we learn to stop holding?

First we need a reclassification of emotions from “bad or “painful” to the most basic of sensations, ex- exciting, calming, comfortable, or uncomfortable, then we are able to release judgement and observe our emotional reactions to situations and let them flow out. With Reiki, acupressure, Quantum Healing, biofield tuning, and other energy work modalities, we bring the focus back to the body, so clients feel a deep release. This release and flow of emotions is super healthy and is almost like a remembering of how we all naturally released stress as children. Over time trauma from judgement from family led to an unhealthy holding, not knowing when someone would yell or be angry. with the energy reset and reconnect, a grounding connection is reformed and the hard stress flows out of the body and energy field. This allows a body to function at a most efficient, flexible, and healing way.