Holy Fire III® Reiki Experience


This past few weeks I upgraded to the Holy Fire III® Reiki frequency for my Karuna® Reiki Sessions and what a difference! The energy from the Holy Fire symbol is intensely hot which really helps clients and myself to bring awareness to different parts and layers of the body where there is tightness. The heat of the energy grows as the flow intensifies and then it moves stuck energy or emotions far faster than ever before. I will say Holy Fire energy seems to melt the hard energy blocks quickly. This energy is a powerful level up for the Love energy for healing.

HOLY FIRE heals all over

With Holy Fire Reiki meets each person where they are and helps for an all over energy shift. This doesn’t focus in on one part of the person but rather addresses the whole person. The whole includes all their layers of growth on energetic and spiritual layers. I haven’t seen it push anyone past where they should be causing any type of discomfort in the client later. I have seen that with many different modalities, but not with Holy Fire III® Reiki. This seems to encompass the whole person so that the is far less resistance. I am amazed as the possibilities for release both on soul trauma levels and ancestral trauma levels.

Ancestral reverence and healing
Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

My personal experience with Holy Fire III® Reiki has allowed me to expand my awareness of my grounding and being a channel of the energy while my hands, eyes, and voice are like conduits that help connect them to the high frequency state of being. This has really helped me to recognize when I am interfering with the flow and shift and correct my posture and then allow for their higher self to guide their experience. The less I direct, the better the flow. How lovely is that?

Reiki Healing Qualitites

Regarding the healing qualities, I remember working on a soft tissue injury like a twisted ankle and it would take about 30 minutes of reiki treatment for the injury to heal with level I&II. When I received the Master level it would take about 10-15 minutes. Then with Karuna Reiki within 7 minutes a twisted ankle would be resolved. Now with the Holy Fire III® Reiki energy I am seeing shifts within minutes. My old deep burn (I neglected to take time to treat immediately upon receiving the injury) that was just scabbing over healed up within a day. It amazing and I cant wait to see what happens next!

Currently, I am working on expanding my energy shift at all levels before I teach a class with this energy. It has been three weeks since my upgrade, and I have led many circles to have Holy Fire III® Reiki experiences. How lovely that have been for all of us. I am excited to continue expanding my spiritual and energetic growth for benefit of my clients and family. These are exciting times!

Grounding your energy body is so important. Check out my newest video for a mini-lesson on how to do this. https://youtu.be/m_ERD9za6xQ

Reach out and book your session today to treat yourself and enter a deep healing space and remember who you truly are: a powerful huge energy being. Release your heavy energy, Reconnect your energy body, Restore your healing power within.




Click here Book Your Session today and tap into your power energy.

white pillar candle beside clear glass bottle
Photo by Vinícius Vieira ft on Pexels.com

Reiki Classes Offer a Deep Healing for Each Student

After practicing Reiki for many years, I love to point out to all of my students how deeply healing the class is for each of them. The attunements that we go through during class allow for heavy, stuck energy to fall away. This enables the energy body to flow into a more elevated and harmonious frequency for optimal wellness. While learning the history of Reiki is important for reverence, the technique and foundation for proper practice is essential. 

Reiki classes are a healing

With Reiki, staying open and being grounded is the key to good flow. I like to imagine that I am like a waterfall, tapping into the higher frequencies of the heavens above and allowing it to flow all the way down through my body out into the earth. My hands are just simply that connector that provides that connection of elevated frequency to my clients. I can also use my eyes to channel Reiki as well as my voice as I chant and sing with focus on the person for whom I am holding space for a deep release and healing. I teach all of these practices in class.

During class, not only does a student learn about the practice of Reiki, but each student also has an opportunity to dig deep into self awareness. The goal is to learn how to walk with love and compassion to allow for the deep wisdom and grace to flow through and ripple outward. The more I practice Reiki the more I learn the importance of identifying where I am on my path and respecting others journey as their own.

As a Reiki teacher, I strive to be always learning more to help each person in a way that makes sense to them. Each student will gain more clarity the more they practice. This is the foundation of a Reiki practice, daily self-treatments to have more insight into the inner way of being. The more we practice, the more we are present, the more clarity we have. This is the way of Reiki.

The key to healing the subconscious and reprogram how I react to situations is by visualizing healing myself. While in a deeply meditative Reiki state, I make sure Reiki flows through my entire being starting with hara centering. If I am unable to sense a nice flow through that area I will go through a Reiki self-treatment starting at the root chakra, just below the tailbone, then moving up after I sense the flow.

Next I move up to the hara center point which is the Tan den (aka dantien) 2” below and behind the bellybutton. Once I can feel an expansive flow of Reiki, I move out to the hips and be sure that the flow moves out from the center point. The 3rd chakra receives some love next. I pause here at the base of the sternum until I can sense flow out the front and back of the chakra. I love to imagine a powerful yellow geyser of light out in front as well as behind me. Once the back feels flowing, I draw in healthy energy from behind me. 🌟

 The 4th chakra or the heart-center is my next area of focus. I love to stay here and make sure it expand both out the front and the back and then scan to be sure the entire aura at all the layers are nice and flowing. Then the 5th Throat chakra receives a good Reiki Session. I check the way out to the sides of the aura here as well for good flow and release of heavy slow energy that may be stacking up causing neck and shoulder pain. After this is the 6th or third eye. Again here I will check front and back with scanning to be sure there is good flow and around to the sides especially. Here I will sit to be sure I sense good flow to both the throat and entire head for best connection to intuition and my guides.

Finally I bring my awareness to the entire crown and check for flow up and out the back of the head and center crown and sides to the front. Once this has been completed I am able to work on others. This is essential to start the day so that stress or emotions do not get stuck and begin to stack up causing pain or aches.

In class we cover the importance of all these things. I highly encourage each student to carve out time daily for self-care with Reiki self-treatment because it’s the best way to get to know oneself and stay on the path to healing through self-awareness. Level I continues to awaken senses until 21 days out. Level II attunement does the same. Practice continues to deepen that healing and is very essential to the heart of Reiki practice.

There is so much covered in class I do recommend each student make time to come out to Reiki Circles and practice. This time offers so much learning and support for everyone, especially me. 💖🦋🌸 If you are ready to begin your inner journey, reach out!