As a highly sensitive person, I have spent much of my life worrying what others think of me. It’s a super painful way to live because I feel others emotions so well. After years of pain, eczema and poor digestion, I have finally learned how to feel safe despite the intensity of all the emotions around me.

Ha ha, just kidding. Although there are certainly time I have wished for this crystaline armor to protect me from others, I learned how to power up my field and become literally this impermeable to others judgements and heavy emotions. Through the most powerful force in the universe….. LOVE.
Yes, that’s right. It’s free and universal to all creatures and from an unlimited source. Love, Love, Love. We all need it, we all want it, and guess what, we all are built, designed, and encoded with the ability to harness and amplify this one most powerful healing thing.

How do you start to tap into this a power up? Through self-love. Pure, unconditional, unadulterated, self-adoration, and awe at the amazing power your have in the very smallest particles of your being. You are amazing, powerful, and incredible. How do you do it? How do you walk, breathe, and play so well? Its truly a miracle we are even alive and the body systems all work if you think about it.
Self-love, that all? How easy right?
Well, no actually. I had to start in the very beginning with unwinding all the preconditions I had learned throughout my life that I had to meet to be loved. Perfect hair skin, clothes, body- nope. Meditate with reiki and breathe love into all those painful memories of judgement about my body, hair, clothes, breathe love into those awkward times when I felt everyone was looking at me and judging me.
Guess what some probably were, but their opinion is not important. I can never be loved by everyone-breathe and radiate reiki into those lessons forward and backwards. I can never please everyone. I have to learn to be myself 100% and please myself, then I can help others without hurting. This article on “The Art of Not Giving a Shit” (yes, I googled that) helped me so much the last few days. Please read this link. SO helpful. Some people will hate me for being too friendly, some will hate for being too sunny, but that’s ok because as long as I am loved by me, then I can be ok without their approval- Reiki all over that and release with breath and energy work.

Guess what, the more I unwind all these limiting beliefs, the more I unkink the flow of the most abundant resource of all of the universe- LOVE. This has taken me years. It has been hard but so helpful. The more I dig in, the more opens for me. And then everything else that I wish to create falls into place.
Did I do this over night? Of coarse not. I have had several teacher, mentors, and I still have them now despite being one myself. You know why? Because I am human and as a human I will fall down into the same hole of anger or fear, until I have learned the lesson in every way possible. These holes though, they get smaller, and what energy work has taught me, is how to see that hole sooner, side step it, or recognize when I have one foot in it, so I may back up and not fall all the way in. You can do it too! Set up appointment with me today. You deserve it.